
Going to a party?

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I dont exactly live in the city, but I am going to a mates party and they always have parties drinking etc.. Were all around the age of 16. What can I do so I fit in more? The only person i know is the one im going with. I dont mind drinking but like dancing etc..




  1. I see you are australian. I suggest you dont change your accent. since women love foreign men. Be a gentlemen around the ladies, and a laid back guy with the men.

    Wear something casual. Drink a little, but not a lot.

    Dance around with people. And start conversations about funny events that have happened to you.

    Hope I Helped.

  2. If it were me I would always have a drink of some sort in my hand. It gives me something to do when I'm standing alone at a party so don't just stand there like a dork.

    As for fitting in with other people it depends I think all on your personality. If your out going with others and like to mingle with new people then venture out on your own and when you make eye contact with someone then say hi.

    Now if your not that outgoing then hang around with the person that you came with and have them introduce you to some of their friends. Then mingle with them the rest of the night. Make small talk like, "where about do you work?" or "so do you come to parties like this often?" Most of the time you will find people in the same boat you are. Trust me people at the party will be asking the same questions and it takes only one person to pop a "Hi how are you?" question and you have a new friend for the night.

    As for dancing, nah leave that. If you aren't sure how to dance and you don't have a group of friends to do it with then stay off the dance floor. Most people try and get out there to impress and make a fool out of themselves. Good luck to you!

  3. Ask your friend/mate some tips how he/she conduct a party, likes and dislikes of his/her frequent visitors' and fun games so you will be prepared and at ease during the party.

  4. well first of you dont have to drink be your self every one will like you better
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