
Going to airport, I have a piercing?

by  |  earlier

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I am traveling tomorrow in an airplane and I had a piercing done about 4 months ago. It is a titanium bell looks like this 0--0 on my right ear. Now my question is, will the alarm go off and if so will they make me take it off or will the security there acknowledge that it's only a piercing? And if they do make me take it off I don't know HOW! omg. Any experienced people, suggestions?




  1. They usually don't set them off.  To be safe, point it out to the TSA agent BEFORE you go through the arch.  

  2. If the alarm goes off then they'll scan you. Just tell them about the piercing. I had an IUD set the alarm off once. They had to take my word for it. They couldn't see it like they can see your bell.

  3. Sorry to tell you this, but if you have a piercing in your RIGHT ear (which you claim you do), that means you're g*y..I would suggest you either 1) take it off and never put it back in, or 2) get a piercing in your left ear..

    I'm not making this up either, it's been around since the 80's.

  4. I've had piercings in my ear.  They've never went off.  I also don't have a titanium piercing though.  You should be fine though.  If it does go off, they'll probably use one of those hand-held security devices to figure out what and where the system is detecting metal.  :)  Good luck!

  5. People have been wearing earrings and traveling for years, I very much doubt they will make you remove it.

  6. Never had a titanium bell before but when I had my surface hip piercings which where about two inches long, they didn't go off. I got picked for the random wand thingy *where they scan you from head to toe with a wand, don't know what they are called* The wand picked them up and the guys just kind of looked at me and laughed. They let me thru and thanked me for showing them something new. I am pretty sure that since it is in your ears that they wont ask you to take them out. Good Luck!

  7. the alarm probably won't even go off, if it does then show security the piercing. the won't make you take it out.  

  8. I went through Dulles airport recently, and I didn't set the metal detector off. I have two 2 inch barbells and a size 4 Gage.

    In case this detector is sensitive though, be extra good about taking everything metal that you can off. Then, if it goes off, tell the security that you have a metal piercing, and if it's in a visible place, show them.

    The TSA website says that officers may ask to be shown the piercing, but so long as it's obvious there is no threat, they can't force you to take it out.

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