
Going to be a teen parent. Can I still become a doctor?

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I recently found out I am going to be a teen parent, but I still want to become a doctor. How can I become a doctor while having a child and going to school?




  1. you can be anything you want.... your dream will mean MUCH more hard work for you...   wish  that your dream comes teu for you... :) god bless

  2. It will be harder but with the right support from family and determination from you it is still achievable. If you want it go for might even make you a better Dr as you will know where parents are coming from when they say "i just know my child"

    Best of luck

  3. Having a baby as   teen does not keep you from any of your dreams. It may make them a little more difficult but you can definitely still do it.

    It will be hard balancing everything- but it is not impossible!!

    Congrats! and dont give up and dont listen to people on here who will tell you you have ruined your life, that you should get rid of the baby, that you are immature... etc.

    You are doing the right thing- good job.  :)

  4. Dr. you will need lots of help from family and friends. Medical school is going to kick your a/s/s. make sure that every free moment (if there are any) is spent w/ your child. it is going to be h**l for the next few yrs but if you commit to it and do your best, it can happen.

  5. it wont be easy. but just stay in school, appy for college and scholarships, and make your dream happen! it will be incredibly hard, but if you make it you will be so glad you did!

  6. omg me 2! not the pregnant part but i want to become a surgeon. But you can definitely still do it! This has probably been your main goal since EVER because it still is for me but GO FOR IT! i mean you can get help from your parents and your wife's parents too. AND obviously they will more than support you in your decision. =]

  7. the guilt of past and anxiety of future should not spoil the present. Take your ambition as a challenge. Pray sincerely and work hard; you will make it. Our prayers with you.

  8. yes you can but it will be extremely hard and long process!

  9. Hi.  It won't be easy, but you can do it!!  Are your parents on board with helping?  What about the mother of your baby?  Are you both going to be students?  

    Stay in school.  Get good grades (well, not just good grades....get VERY GOOD grades.)  Graduate and then go on to college for your undergrad.  Then apply to medical schools.  Use protection so you don't have any more children.

    It CAN be done.  Many have done it, but you will need LOTS of help and support.

    Good luck to you and I hope that you achieve your dream.

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