
Going to be bed ridden for 4 months need ideas of things to do?

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Im having major foot reconstructive surgery and will need to stay off it for 4 months. Please give me some ideas of things to do.




  1. Start an online business! Or get used to reading!

  2. learn crochet or needlepoint

    get some good books

    word finds&puzzle books

    get a video game system

    paper and pen-doodling/write stories


  3. Here's you a couple of ideas. I was bed ridden for 2 months. I learned to cross-stitch.  I made all my christmas ornaments that year. Knitting is also fun to learn. I read alot of magazines and watched the news. Played games on the computer and started selling on ebay.  

  4. World of Warcraft

    I didn't leave my house for 3 months when I first started playing it and I wasn't even injured LOL

  5. bed ridden well enjoy the ride lol i think you meant bed written umm internet,t.v, crossword puzzles, listen to music, sudoko, read a book/magazine, make a list of goals, call people.

  6. Video games, Yahoo Answers, sell unwanted things on Ebay to make some extra cash, read books, catch up on your favorite movies and tv shows, start writing out your Christmas cards (good one!) and use your cash from Ebay to start your Christmas shopping online...okay, that's enough for now; I'm starting to get tired!!

    Good Luck...hope you have a speedy recovery!!

  7. learn to knit, its fun

    find new music online

    go internet shopping, even if you don't buy anything

    "read a book"

    make lunch special by preparing elaborate dishes


  8. buy wrist and ankle weights as you don't want your muscles to waste away and get a few hobbies that you are interested in and a compleat series of books terry pratchets disk world is fairly long around 30 books at this stage and have a kettle and water with the tea essentals handy so you wont be lacking teas goodness when you cant sleep at night (trust me night and day will loose all meaning

  9. Read, crochet, knit, write letters (it's now a lost art form), watch TV, surf the net from laptop, scrapbook, home study course on something you've always wanted to learn, call friends.  I'm sure there's lots more, I just can't think of them at the moment!  Good Luck on your surgery and recovery!  

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