
Going to buy Rock band for ps2? is it worth it?

by  |  earlier

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how much is it in toronto, canada- where can i buy it?

what songs are in it? are there any recent modern songs?

is it worth buying it? or should i just buy a lot of clothes for school?




  1. Nope and also, buy an xbox 360.

  2. What?!You still haven't got Rock Band yet?!Man...whoops,uh, don't know h-o-w  m-u-c-h  f-u-n  y-o-u-'-r-e  m-i-s-s-i-n-'!

    Trust me,it's worth the buy,but then again it's R-O-C-K after all,so no Flo-Rida or Akon,only all the best rockers.

  3. It's about $160 for the bundle. (ps2) I think it's worth it, but it depends on the person. I have had it for a few months and I still love it.

    and just to add, the version i have is for the 360, so it might be a bit different.

  4. I would buy it if youre going to play it a lot. If youre not you just wasted 200-300 bucks.

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