
Going to canberra for 5 days. what kind of things to take?

by  |  earlier

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i'm going on a canberra excursion with my school mates for five days. i'm going shopping tomorrow to buy all the stuff, but what kind of things should i buy? lyk the teachers didnt give us much info, all they said was, 'take warm clothes that will last u 5 days' for example, lyk day 1, pair of pants, long sleeved top.....what should i take? thankz




  1. It's FREEZING in Canberra now. The nights this week have been down to 3C.

    I agree with the other answer, but it might go a little far. The most important two things are a big parker or jacket, and a good pair of ugboots! If you bring those you'll be fine.

  2. jeans wooly socks warm underwear boots scarf beenie gloves jacket

    flannelette pyjamas slippers and a hot water bottle  

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