
Going to college and worried about after graduation?

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I'm going to college my major is LPN, and i was wondering if i would have a hard time getting a job as a LPN or a CNA because i have panic attacks and anxiety attacks and i'm on meds for it and also seeing a psychiatrist.




  1. As long as your condition does not cause troubles on the job, you will have no problem. As far as I know you don't have to mention this when looking for work.

  2. Um, sorry to bust your bubble but I do NOT want someone that has anxiety attacks taking care of me.

    I know when I get anxiety attacks, I can barely think, I get sweaty and feel like I am going to die.

    Anyway, I'm sure there are plenty of LPN jobs.  

  3. Hello,

    It sure does sound like you have some thinking to do.  I would ask myself a few questions.  

    * Do you have those attacks at work normally?

    * It this a permanent problem or is it situational (because of stresses in your life)?

    * Examine your response to difficult situations.  Volunteer at places where you can try and do some of the things you will be asked to do on a day to day basis once you graduate and find a job.  See how you react to them, and of course...discuss it with your doctor.  Try to find out what triggers your attacks and if those things will happen at work.

    Most places ask about medical history, so don't lie about it.  You have a good oppurtunity to try and get a handle on things before that time comes.  Take some time to try and fix what you have going on and maybe you won't even have to list it because you will be over it.  

    You can do anything that you put your mind to!!!

    If you see that you are going to have issues you may have chosen the wrong path, try to see if there is something related that you can do.  Like transcribing for doctors or medical office manager.  

    Good Luck with that!!! <:)

  4. I am majoring in RN and I have the same problem as you. Fortunately my panic/anxiety issues were because of problems in high school, which i got away from. Unfortunately, from the problems in high school I have 'developed' Social Anxiety Disorder. Anyway, if i can do it im sure that you can! :)

    As long as your panic and anxiety attacks wont affect you, or become more often from your job, i would say that you would be fine. Maybe having a steady job would even make the attacks become less often.

    If you get stressed out easily though, i wouldnt work in a hospital.. thats just asking for stress!

    good luck!

  5. If you're continuing to have panic and anxiety attacks while on medication and seeing a professional I would re-think your medication. . . Or your doctor. If you cannot control your anxiety you may have a problem holding down a job. Make sure you're stable before you help others:) YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

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