
Going to court to get a contact order to see my child. anyone with experience of this please answer this?

by  |  earlier

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i have to represent myself as i can not afford a solicitor and do not qualify for legal aid. my ex partner has made several false allegations about me, my ability to care for my child and my personal life to her solicitor and i understand the court will need to investigate these before making a contact order. my question is would the court make an order for supervised contact while these allegations are investigated as it my take some time to get reports and getting us back to court?

if you have any experience or knowledge of child law or the family court system, if you or anyone you know has been thorugh a similar thing i would be very greratfull of anything you can tell me

also anyone who has represented themselves at court, your experience would be priceless.

Thank You




  1. you can request that you get supervised contact with your child until they investigate

  2. I've been through court with my ex and I can tell you one thing for sure.. do NOT lose your temper or raise your voice for any reason! Her lawyer will try to push every button you have to make you blow up and look bad in front of the judge. My ex has an awful temper and every time we're in court he acts badly and ends up losing big time!

  3. You dont say where you live....

    Is there a CASA program there?  

    CASA's can be a great help if you are in the right and it is in the best interest of the child to see you and have visitation.   It is free and the CASA has access to all files, interviews, information, the child...the judge....can do to the CPS etc etc.   Call right now and get a CASA.

    Otherwise, to answer your question depends alot on YOU.  Did you get into counseling immediately? What are you accused of?  Details darling?! or how can we help you?   It always looks good if you are doing everything in your power to make yourself a better person/parent etc.  

    Get into every program out there.  The more professionals that can testify about you in a postitive note will be beneficial to you.

    if at all possible get a legal representatie. Even if you have to get a loan...use a paralegal they are cheaper.  But to go to court without representation is like swimming naked in a pool of hungry sharks.  

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