
Going to create an Ebay's selling account need help/ beginner??

by  |  earlier

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I don't have a credit. As of right now I have no money and would like to know how exactly does Paypal work? Should I set up a separate bank account to get money transferred there? Is it wise to accept credit cards instead of just money orders, (I'm not sure how credit cards work) With fees on Ebay do they take it out of your Paypal account? Is this selling thing as complicated as I'm making it out to be? Can you start with no money in this Paypal account or should I get money and put it there then start?

Please I need someone who can answer all these questions.




  1. You need to have at least $1.00 in the account so Paypal can verify it but that's all you need. You can send the $1.00 into Paypal from your bank account.

    With Paypal you can accept instant transfers or credit cards, Paypal will send the money, minus their fee, to your account. You can still accept money orders sent directly to you. I only use Paypal because it's such a pain to get a money order.

    Ebay will not take the money out of your Paypal account unless you ask them to.

    No, it's not complicated at all, you will get it in no time.

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