
Going to cuba from the UK, need info on currency?

by Guest33220  |  earlier

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I am going to Cuba this month on a holiday from the UK. I don't know what is the best currency to take with me. Some advisors have told me to take euro's but at the moment the pound is weak against the euro and this will prove costly. The pound is strong against the dollar but I have been advised not to take dollars.

Also where can I find traveller's cheques not issued by an American bank?

Any advice on all this?




  1. Bring whatever you want Pounds or Euro. They can be changed easily. But do not take dollars with you. They do not acceot it in stores and to change it they take a 10% tax on dollars.

    Traveller Cheques can be issued in other currencies than dollars. They can be issued in EURO or Pound. Just ask at your bank. "American" Traveller Cheques issued in EURO or Pounds can be cashed in Cuba.

    Cheques can be cashed at the Airport (bad rates) or at bigger hotels (Havana: Cohiba, National, etc.) or at any bank. To cash the Cheques you have to take your passport with you as they need to verify your identity.

    You can also draw cash with your VISA or Master Card. But the taxes are very high.

  2. Don't change your Sterling into Euros, by doing that you will be paying twice for currency  conversion and Sterling is every bit as welcome as Euros.  I should think Barclays  or any other U.K. based bank can provide travelers cheques in Sterling.

  3. Santero has given good advice.

    Thomas Cook travellers cheques will work for you and VISA. Contact your bank to be sure of their origin of issue.

    See the links:

    It's okay to take UK pounds if it's better for you. They will change it there for you and there is no charge. Only USD will be charged for conversion.

    And you can change these are the airport, the hotel you're staying at and at the major banks.

  4. The answer of Santero is the good one. Enjoy it!

    Happy Feet

  5. It doesn't really matter the relative strength - that just affects the number of CUC you can buy.

    But as they say bring GBP, to avoid changing twice.

    Depending on where you are going, some areas in Cuba accept euros direct - so perhaps bring some as back-up.

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