
Going to dr in a few hours and its killing me!!?

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ok im going to dominican republic for summer vacation in a few hours and im FREAKING OUT im only 14 ive been on planes before but i was dumb and little wat did i know?

anyway can anybody give me advice im going on jet blue,thnx




  1. im scared of flying but manaed a 15 hour flight to and from new york on my own when i was 12 on a school trip, sat next to my friend away form the school party at the back of the plane, i was fine :)

    enjoy flying, nothoing will happen, if anything does, who are we to change fate? everything will be fine, enjoy the flight and relax, just focus on the holiday!

  2. well i love planes so i cant really relate. but i think statistics show that youre more likely to be killed by a donkey than die in a plane crash and idk but that seems pretty unlikely to me.

    also i know TAKE GUM so if your ears start popping once you get up high youll really wish you had it.

    and thats really all i can say... hope that helped....

    good luck and have fun =]

  3. oh no jet blue? those things crash all the time

  4. you will be fine.   flying is  much safer than driving.  just relax.

  5. bring some gum and something to do honeslty time seems to stand still when ur on a plane!

  6. relax.

    theres no point to be freaking out.

    if anything was gonna happen, they wouldnt let u

    get on the plane.

  7. You will be completely fine, but it might get boring, and the movie might be dull, so bring something along to do. Also, for some people, your ears might "pop" (it has something to do with the pressure in the plane) and it makes your ears hurt. This can be counteracted by chewing gum, so bring some along just in case it happens. Also, you aren't allowed cell phones, and I'm not so sure about laptops.

    Anyway, hope you enjoy your trip!

  8. If your ears feel blocked during takeoff or while landing, it's because of a change in air pressure.  Chewing gum helps prevent this. If that doesn't the trick, yawn as deeply as you can. That always works for me.

    Bon voyage!

  9. Umm.... I've been on over 40 planes in the first 12 years of my life. There is nothing to worry about.

  10. dont be freaked out ive been to domnican republic before it will be super hot there since ur going in summer the flight will be about 2-4hrs probally 3 hrs but dont be freaked out it will be boring on the flight but once u get there it will be soooooo fun u wont belive how fun it is

  11. Jet blue is a great airline, every seat has their own TV with MTV, VH1 and all the other good channels. Just relax and the flight will be over before you know it.

  12. Planes are fun.Dont freak out.Just take a deep breath.You'll be fine.You get used to the plane after a few minute of being on there.I went on a plane not to long ago and I was fine and I'm younger than you!

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