
Going to england for 4 months, what should i bring with me?

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i am going to be staying in a dorm room from september to december. what should i pack? i know the general stuff to take but is there anything that i should be aware of? how cold does it get in the uk? any suggestions would be helpful. thanks.




  1. bring food with

  2. im from the uk and well hun gona need ya hat and gloves.good winter clothes.nothing to flimsy.some good walking shoes of sneakers/trainers.we have lots of medication ere u can buy over the counter if u get a cold or flu........take some vitamins to build up ya immune system as u from a diff enviroment.these will help from getting too many colds.cus wen thers viruses going aroung they can knock u off ya feet,even me and im british.i do the above and finds it helps alittle.people r great.we r so easy to get on wid.say hi to any uk person and u defo get a hi bak.....hope u enjoy it ere.dont forget ya winter woolies.

  3. Heyy, yeah, it can get preety cold and wet, bring just a few nice coats for that. no need to get the whole like, waterproof wear, you would look silly.

    just get a warm coat, scarf, boots, but just fashion wear would be fine, key is layering your clothing, if you go for massive sweaters with like anorac and such, can look a bit dumb, if that makes sense? but you DO need warmer clothing, and socks.. lol.

    im used to the weather, but its unpredictable, bring one of them umberellas that fold up, because this in a bag is always helpfull! the rain just falls when u least expect it!

    remember if you have plugs that dont plug into the 3pinn thing in the wall you need converter thngs or whtever,

    maybe bring ipod speakers or such? in the dorm, if there isnt a sterio this would be nice.

    bring any food stuff you might miss, sounds dumb, but we dont have alot of like US foods, such as your sauces or whatevr, so if you like your toast with a certain toppin, you can bring that? but we do have nice food, dw! lol

    bring comfy shoes, but sometimes in winter my feet get COLDD in them shoes that have open toes or something, so wear socks?


    tights are always a good plan!! bring a few pairs with you,

    but remember you can buy stuff you might need here, so if you forget anyting, dont frett, we live here like all the time, so our stores do stock the right stuff ;)

    hope you enjoy your stay!

    ohhh, and bring some change amongst your notes, mainly £1 coins are helpful, thats something i always forget going into other countries, it helps when you get here to buy smaller stuff like drinks and such. x

  4. i went to  ooty hill station once, boy was it cold. the guys needed big coats, scarfs, gloves and balaclava's/hats , and that was the locals. cost me a fortune buying wood for the fire, and yes the houses had chimneys for the smoke to go up. lol.. That's England @ this time of year. not so much September.October, but it can get a bit cold. one good coat will do you. as someone said before, layer your clothes. you'll be OK, enjoy England as much as i enjoy India and all her climates

  5. lots of cash...pounds

  6. You will need things like jumpers, coats and definately an umbrella! Would suggest some t shirts etc as it can sometimes be quite hot in September.. well for England anyway.

  7. Well im irish but our weather is pretty much the same.

    Bring a raincoat, warm clothes (hoodie, jumper etc), umbrella

    but you can still bring your clothes that you wear now because september is supposed to be very hot this year.

    The winter does get cold but you might find it very cold depending on where you are from so just bring a couple of warm jumpers.

    Enjoy your trip!

  8. Catyc58 is right. Because it is UK so bring warm clothes, rain coat etc. But don't bring so many. That will be heavy. And ofcourse your regular items.

  9. Sweaters..!!

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