
Going to have my first general anaesthetic soon - what's it like?

by  |  earlier

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Am having a small operation on my ladybits and I'm scared of the anaesthetic part of the op more than anything! Please let me know what it is like - I'm scared of feeling sick most of all.





  1. It's  like... nothing.

    I spent years and years at university, and scarfed  very many substances of dubious legality. When it came time for me to receive the drugs prior to going under the knife, I thought; 'Well, they'd better have some reserves. I'm professional. Their weakling chemicals won't touch one so practised as I.'

    What actually happened:

    The anesthetist whacked something into the back of my hand, and told me to count to ten. I got to seven. The next thing I knew, I was in the recovery ward, all sewn back together. For all the time that had passed for me personally, I might just as well have blinked.

    Side effects? None, from the anaesthetic itself. The worst was from the suppository that the nurses had given me - whilst I was unconscious  - to get over the pain. I reckon it must have been effervescent; I spent the next six hours farting continuously. Furthermore, I had the knowledge in my head that somewhere, on this planet, was a person who had stuck their finger up my previously-virgin bumhole - and they didn't even have the grace to buy me a drink. How mean is that?

    Last thing - curiousity compels me - what are you having done to your ladybits?

  2. If you're scared of needles, don't watch when he sticks it in :)

    It's pretty painless when the needle is in, but when the fluid is injected, it stings like h**l!! The body part feels all warn for the rest of the time until it starts to wear off and become numb, then regain feeling.

    Have fun :)

  3. It is really not too bad. They usually give you something to put you to sleep before so you really don't know what is going on. I would suggest if you don't know if it will make you ill after you wake up, that you request they give you something to stop you from throwing up afterwards. I always end up vomitting after. They give me something for it and I always wake up not feeling ill.  I find that the oxygen mask is more uncomfortable than being put to sleep.

    For one of my surgeries, I had an epidural and then had some sleep medication. you may be able to do this instead of the general anesthetic. Ask your doctor. Good Luck, hope everything goes well!

  4. The anaesthetist will get you comfy and relaxed and talk to you as the anaesthetic is administered, possibly asking you to recall a recent important event, as you start to recall it you will go under very quickly.

    Seemingly a few minutes have passed and you are awake again.

    Worst bits the needle going in!

    Good luck anyway!

  5. From what I remember you get the pre med, like a tranquiliser before they give you the full monty. So u are ok and cool about it mainly. It;s making sure you are ok after that;s more important i.e. eating lots of fruit an stuff   to avoid constipatipation.  Opiate based drugs dkknt help in being regular.         Gyies are mainly v good - just make sure that they cant tak e awy bits  you dont want them too unless is eesential or life threatening but make sure teyh dont  leavenu with a vacum eithr much love and am saying a kittke prayer to my deity fo you...u'll be fine

    and smiling later...good luck

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