
Going to have the first you know..?

by  |  earlier

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Gonna have the first s*x. but how? my boyfriend has a 13 inch one he said (im on his account) i dont know? should i cut some off while hes asleep?




  1. i highly doubt his p***s is 13 inches, he might be saying that to make you more excited? regardless, it's probably going to hurt the first time if you have anal s*x.

  2. 13 inches?! man you snagged a good one! lol jk. i think hes a little over-confident.  

  3. lmao idk if ur g*y or not lmao ur desicion not mine haha

  4. Youll know how. and i understnad. you are a girl on your boyfriends acct

  5. hes lying.

  6. this isn't legitimate,

    just two seconds ago this person asked a question about spray on penises...

  7. bite off a piece every time you give him head

  8. Wait, you're a dude? Going to do a Dude?

    So you're g*y?

    I don't know about g*y s*x too much

    Or, at all rather

  9. Alright, for starters. a 13 inch p***s is an un-reliable claim, due to the fact that he would pass out from blood loss.

    Secondly, I'm not quite sure what you mean by cutting some off, but whatever you do, i'm going to go ahead and say NO

    Finally the actual ability to do so, there is one simple rule in anal s*x: LUBE, lots and lots of Lube, you can never get enough.

    Seconndly, no matter how clean you or he mgith be "back there" condoms are a must, due to the threat of E-coli bacteria.

    If you need more info, I have alot more, you can add me to a yahoo account or even e-mail me

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