
Going to italy solo... will a boyish woman be hassled?

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hi. i'm planning a solo trip to italy for part of the winter. i'm going in the winter because i mostly want to go to museums and everything will be cheaper.

my question is: i am a woman. but i look very boyish and feel most comfortable in boyish clothes. do italians care about these kinds of things? will i get hassled?




  1. I need to tell you that you won't get bothered at all in Italy. Also need to tell you that Italians stare... so don't be put off. They are not trying to be rude it's just a naturtal thing for them. So don't be put off. You won't get hassled or bothered or picked on or made fun of.

    PS: Do you get hassled back home?

  2. most italian women have hairy chests and moustaches  anyways, a boyish looking girl would fit right in!

  3. I'm not Italian, but I did live in Italy for nearly three years, and have visited several parts of Italy several different times since I lived there.  I have never seen anybody get hassled, for anything!  The closest to a fight is all verval and hand-jesters.

    The Italians are a peaceful, fun-loving type of people.  They also have a mixture of sexual orietation and seem to let people run their own lives.  Just remember, much of what the Italians believe to me morally, and legally, (rightly or wrongly), appropriate, is what the Catholic Church teaches.

    I would go to Italy in a seconds notice.  It is unbelievably beautiful.


  4. i just got back from a 3 months staying in italy (i was born there and i have family members living there). italians care very much not just about their own "look" but also how other people look. as for you being boyish, even if things have gotten better in the past few years (they do have g*y parades now),  i believe that unfortunately they may still hassel you. i hope it will only be only with their eyes and not with bad words. also, when they find out that you are american, they will tell you how imperialistic the americans are, how idiot bush is, etc. just keep your mouth shut. being italian-american i also am told these things. i fought back but they got more aggressive. but they are also hypocrites because they love everything that is american (specially electronics), have incorporated american words such as "look" in their language, and wear clothes with stupid/non-sense american words written on them. have a nice trip and good luck. ciao

  5. Don't worry, you'll be fine! Italians are nice people :)

  6. g*y guys will hassle you. When they do, flash 'em a boob, and they will scurry away.

  7. Being semi Italian myself, and having spent a lot of time in Italy during my life, I can say: no, don't worry! Of course be as aware as you would be in any country as a tourist, certainly if you plan on visiting large cities such as Rome, Naples, Milan. If you would tell us that you are tall with long blonde hair, I'd say you'd be getting tons of attention :-) (most Italian girls / women have brown / black hair , so blondes are always a go go for Italian chaps), but even then: it'll remain friendly! It would be very different if you were to visit north african countries on the other side of the mediterraen sea such as Morocco, Tunesia, etc.

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