
Going to italy soon-i have a question though.....????

by  |  earlier

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okay so i'm going to italy in the summer of '09 and i'm pretty sure we're flying into rome.

i need to know how far the island of corsica, france is from the italian coast. would it be possible to go there too??

just wondering




  1. a little bit expensive too... you can go with the ferry and the aeroplane, it's far 300km...

    i'm italian, come in naples instead :D

  2. Go to a travel agent and they would sell maps on islands, such as that one. Or simply look upon the internet. By typing in the word the island of corsica. And your answer will show up in pages of results within your internet search engine. I hope that this helps you.

  3. from roma (fiumicino airport) to olbia(costa smeralda) in sardinia, it takes about 2,5 hours and you can see more on

    corsica is near sardinia, so it shouldn't be very different

  4. it's about 300km...not sure if there's a ferry...but there's a airport!

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