
Going to mexico for a month...any kind of tips for going?? sadly driving, thumbs up to all!?

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ans why cant you drink the water, dont think i am stupid, it is just my first time going....




  1. Sadly driving?  That's great!  I love driving to Mexico.  It gives you the opportunity to stop and visit many places you had no idea existed.

    As for any tips:    1. Leave jewelry at home.  You can take a pair of earings, your watch... but play it safe and leave the expensive stuff at home.    2. Do drive during the day light while you are going from town to town... or on the highway/"carretera".    3. Don't take a big purse... the smaller the better.    4.  Since you are driving, take drinkable water.  The tap water in Mexico is worst than the tap water in the US.  Many tourists get sick by drinking H2O or mixed drinks with ice because their systems are not used to all those parasites/bacteria.    5.  Try and change currency at the border.  The further in you get into Mexico, the more difficult to find places to exchange and they will give it to you at the value they want.  Once you are away from the border, your best bet is to go to a bank or a "CASA DE CAMBIO".    6.  Take extra batteries (for your camera, etc.).  They sell batteries in MX, but they are expensive and run out of juice very fast!    7.  Take/get lots of small change (coins).  This comes in handy to give as tips, to kids, people asking for money, person helping you get in & out of parking, the person keeping an eye on your car, people selling gum at the next light...    8.  Take a roll or 2 of toilet paper.  Don't think I am wierd or anything!  Lot's of stores, gas stations, etc. don't have toilet paper OR they sell it!    9.  Buy a GOOD map, that is fairly new.  Mexico is changing so much, they have some really good roads... as well as some very bad ones!    10.  Take extra money for those new roads.  These new roads are safe, but expensive.  They vary in price.  Usually you will see a road sign signalling the new and the old road entrance... "LIBRE" & "CUOTA" I beleive.    11.  Take some advil, peptobismol, antibiotic ointment, bandaids... your regular first aid kit.    12.  Don't forget your passport.  Make 2 copies of it ... stick one somewhere in your luggage and leave the other one at home.    13.  Buy Mexican auto insurance.  It is required when driving so many miles into Mexico.  You can atually purchase it in the state where you live.  Just give your auto insurance carier a call.    14.  Enjoy.  Be careful.  Be cautious.  Be open to the new experience.  Be friendly.

  2. All are correct. Buy insurnce on net-cheaper. Take a Debit card to get pesos-best way I know of. I go Colo to N. of P.V.. Presidio Tx to Durango & over the mtns.toward Matzatlan, hang a left & cuota to Tepic.Dur to Mat road VERY scenic & difficult-go around if you fear heights & can't pass trucks. Good motels not hard to find. Slow down & enjoy. Gas was 7.13/liter(2.55/gal. Bueno suerte'.

  3. Regular gas in Mexico is currently about $1.50 cheaper than in the states--so, thumbs up. Another vote for what Hearty said--don't drive at night.  fancy Hotels that cater to gringos have their own filtration systems to kill any micro-organisms in the water. If you happen to stop at a small hotel that caters to Mexicans, use the bottled water to brush your teeth and don't open you mouth in the shower.

  4. Lucky you!

    Important: Drive during daylight hours.

    Mexican car insurance is a must.

    Drink purified water unless you are in a tourist area where purified water/ice cubes are th norm.

    Check this article on someone's drive from Edmonton Canada to Manzanillo Mexico.

  5. Where are you driving from?  I just drove from VA to Nayarit Mexico a few months ago!!!  Anyway like the other people said, don't drive late at night, and use the "Cuota" roads instead of the "Libre"'ll see what I am talking about.  Watch out for other drivers and speed bumps everywhere in the roads...they have invented so many off the wall ways to put speed bumps in the road that its almost unreal.  Don't drink the water because it is full of bacteria and parasites and it will give you a horrible sick stomach, this I learnt the hard way.  It is safe enough to brush your teeth and bathe in though.  And everyone is different but the chicken here gives me a horrible upset stomach too!! Good luck!!!

  6. Backpack is a neccesity, MP3 player for the car and beach, Candy to give to the Mexican children , Open mind , a smile, Drive only during the day , leave your jewlery at home . You will see poverty , happiness , shacks with dirt floors , Many Topes , eat fabulous food ( no seafood after 12 noon - refridgeration is scarce ) , Burros , chickens , stray dogs , VW bugs , Insane driving practices , questionable electrical connections , trash being burned everywhere. Unbelievable mtn. scenry,

    I love Mexico...................

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