
Going to press charges for my door being kicked in by ex

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Our three month old daughter was in the house. Should I also press charges for past incidents where reports were made - pushing me in stomach when pregnant and smashing my tv DVD - is it too late they all happened in the last year. And what can I do about abusive calls and texts. Ready to take action...thanks for your input.




  1. Yes, of course you need to phone the police.  And this should have been done at the time of the incident.

    However, you should also contact the closest organization that deals with Domestic Abuse.  They will assist you with working all of this out and  provide counseling for you to teach you how NOT to pick out the same type of partner the next time and how to protect your child.  The domestic violence agency/program will also assist you in attempting to obtain an order of protection if possible at this time.

  2. Definitely press charges for the door kicking in episode.  When you are doing that you can check and see if it is too late to press charges on the other offenses.  I know there is a statute of limitations, but not sure if it differs from state to state.  Best wishes to you.

  3. So why are you wasting time on here asking for advice?  The longer you wait, the bigger the gift of "time" you give to your ex.  The alleged previous assault incident and the destruction of property will probably not be entertained, but may be mentioned in the report you plan on filing now.  Do you have any witnesses to the previous incident?  That may help.  Did he live with you during the time of the incident?  If he did, the smashed DVD will not be entertained because you can't proved that it was your property vs. his property since you were living together.  If you have told him to stop calling and texting you and he doesn't, then he may be charged with harassing phone calls (unless the calls have to do with the child you have in common-he has the right to contact you about her).  You need to get a restraining order against him.  Now, get off the internet and call the police!!  Good luck!

  4. Wow! You need to try and get a restraining order. Sorry to hear about this. Best of luck.

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