
Going to prom as a girl?

by Guest66624  |  earlier

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I'm a 15year old male-to-female transsexual and this school year I finish high school(I'm from the UK).

I just want to know, do you think i'd be ok going to my prom dressed as a woman, I mean in the UK you only get one prom really and I'd like to enjoy it, my girlfriend can't come with me cos she lives in Texas, so if i went as my self that'd make it atleast sommat special for me.

Do you think i'd be ok going to prom dressed as a girl?

I've already picked the dress i want to wear, lol:

From 24th October(my 16th birthday) I'm gonna go about my life as a girl anyway as much as I can until i can get SRS around 18 and very more likely past 18, but the reason I'm iffy about going to prom as a girl is it's dark, lots of people and possibly if I'm walking about on my own at anytime someone might try picking a fight and I want my prom to be special not a night that i spend in A&E with a broken nose and black eye.

Do you think i'd be ok going to prom dressed as a girl?




  1. You should be careful going to prom dressed as a girl. I know that it's who you are, and you want to be yourself, but make sure your special night isn't ruined by small-minded people who might try and make your night one you'd rather forget, rather than remember.

    If you have some close friends to stick up for you, or you simply don't care what others think, then sure - go to prom as a girl! Ultimately, it's a special night for you and you want it to be something that celebrates your school life and people might be really accepting.

    But you need to remember some can be hurtful and will hurl abuse and comments at you. It's entirely up to you. If it'll make you happy going as a female, then go as a female :)  

  2. just saying, if you dont mind the looks and whispering then go for it, but i wouldnt recomend it if you want things to be exactly the same...

  3. it is your only prom sweetie, go the way you want. your dress is beautiful and i bet you will look great in it. be careful of people who don't understand your point of view. they can be very hateful and violent. my husband is a crossdresser and we go out on a regular basis and there are sometimes rude comments. be strong and enjoy

  4. I wish id've been able to go to a prom in a dress like that when i was younger!

    When I was your age I would've been lucky just to get out of the house without being beaten up...I guess times really have changed for the better!

  5. proms are nothing special.

    i didnt go because it sucks.

    theres more important things in life than prom.

  6. I think so, because you are really a girl.

  7. You should be ok, just bare in mind 2 things:

    how others in your school have reacted to g**s etc and expect the same treatment

    if you look fem in that dress, i know as you said that you are a TS but make sure the dress flatters your build (being a bit of a crossdresser i know a little about this)

    also (yer i know i said 2) see what others are wearing, that dress appears very frilly, if others are wearing 'flat' dresses ( or you may draw a little too much attention

    but bare in mind I'm not a public CD so i know very little...

  8. Lily, if you do decide to do this, please be very, very careful.

    When I was your age, I went to an end-of-year school party (we didn't have 'proms' back then) in a dress, for the same reasons you want to.

    I was beaten up so badly I almost died; I spent three days in a coma in an Intensive Care Unit, and I still have the scars, physical and psychological.

    I don't want to put you off; attitudes have changed a bit since then, but please, BE CAREFUL.

    Look at the safety advice you've been given above, don't go anywhere alone- stay in a group of friends, don't get drunk, or over-confident, and leave if you start to feel that you might be at risk.Get a taxi, or a (reliable) lift, there and back; don't walk outside.

  9. It depends. Do you have a few friends that'll stick up for you if someone tries to start trouble?

    It's certainly brave. I'd say if it's really what you want, then go for it. You might get comments and everything, but I really think it's unlikely someone's going to try and beat you up-maybe people will even surprise you with how accepting they are.

  10. as long as ur comfortable but be prepared for some stick I say go with what ur comfortable in you will enjoy ur self remember dont listen to anybody but ur own heart u will find the answer

  11. Yes Do It..

    BUT  make sure you are escorted by a friend there and back, it would also be best if some of your friends from school knew about your intentions and were there to support you on the night, the last thing you want to do is turn up unannounced and shock everyone with this startling revelation, that's when things could get awkward.

    But most of all enjoy yourself, and we all want to see the pics, so please give us all a follow up.

    Forgot to say the dress is gorgeous, I want it

  12. I have no advice but woah beautiful dress if you buy that you will make me soooo jealous lol

  13. i have nothing at all against g*y people, so ill try to help you here.

    it would be fine, but if your the type of person who wants to have a normal day, i wouldnt.

    try going as a guy, and then maybe getting your picture taken another day?

    because people might stare at you all night long.

  14. if you have a heart of steel then by all means do so....teenagers will whisper and all that dandy be prepared to be a tough cookie

  15. Go as yourself, whatever that means to you, and have a blast! Besides, you can't waste that gorgeous dress! Have fun and if anyone tries to punk you just bop em and keep it pushin!

  16. Yea you should definitely go to prom dressed as a girl.

    It's obviously what you want and you wouldn't feel comfortable if you didn't go as a girl,it'd just ruin the whole thing.

    Why go through that? I say go for it.

    Good luck (:

    ^ mine?

  17. You can't dress as someone you are not. You can only dress as you. If you feel comfortable in a dress then do it, but don't put yourself in danger. That would not be a good thing. Try enjoying life, and not alienate yourself from others. Love yourself as you are. It is impossible to make decisions that are in your best self-interest if you don't like yourself as you are now. Give people a chance to like you too; it makes life more fun. You only have one life to live; friends and loved ones are the best things in life. Start with liking and loving yourself and others as you, and they are. Stop judging yourself. You can’t love others until you love yourself. Someday you will find some one who will love you for just who you are. And you will need to have had practice loving yourself so you can love them back for just how they are. Being a friend and love one is a learned skill that takes practice. Start with yourself by not putting yourself in danger just to make a statement to the world; clothes are only garments. It’s what’s on the inside that counts, that’s what’s real, not what you get off a hanger in a store. Try standing naked in front of a mirror and tell yourself you love you. I knew it’s a difficult thing to do but give it time; it gets easier.        

  18. Go for it.

    I would if I were you

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