
Going to sandiego and going to try to surf.?

by  |  earlier

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going to try to surf for the first time, any advice to someone that has never seen an ocean, i used to skate and snowboard some if that helps, ha




  1. you dont need any fancy wave.  go up and down the coast and find a wave with some white wash.

    or go to a local surfshop and ask them where to go

  2. Surfing is an ocean sport, to do it right, you have to be at home in the ocean, with its currents, rips, undertows and sometimes big waves. I don't just mean being good at swimming in a pool, the ocean can be very unforgiving. I have seen lots of really good pool swimmers have to get rescued. You have to learn surf etiquette (so the experienced surfers in the line up don't want to drown you), how to paddle and take off on a wave, and how to ride a wave.

    Lessons are usually the best way to start, unless you are an adolescent or young adult with lots of pals who surf who can teach you. Go to a real surf shop. The folks there can hook you up with lessons, and even rent you a board to learn on. Just work on your basics, and after you feel good, think about buying a board, but don't rush into anything.

    Some folks have said that skateboarding may help. Well, any balance improving activity can be helpful to improve your surfing. That could be skate, snow, wake or skim boarding, working out on a Indo board, or doing the balance beam. HOWEVER, surfing is nothing like skateboarding. You have to paddle and catch a wave. First, and most important, you have to be at home in the ocean. You need to learn the mechanics of surfing, paddling out, catching a wave and standing up on the surfboard. It is after you have gotten all that down, that your balance becomes important, and if you have good balance (because, perhaps, you skateboard), that will only help you ride better.

    Be careful of what you read here on line. There are lots of really well meaning young folks who have neat answers about surfing, but at 55, I tend to classify anyone under 25 as a kid. After I found this site, I figured that I could answer a few questions, and spread the 'good news' of surfing. After you learn to swim and master the ocean, get your REAL advice from a surf shop, where industry professionals earn their rent money selling surfboards.

    I have been surfing since 1966, and had a lifetime of fun. take the time and learn the 'right way' and you will have a lifetime of fun too. Good luck

  3. Go to tourmaline in P.B. Alot of beginners go there. If you can skate and snowboard you'll be alright. If you're renting a board, go with an egg or long board. Don't try and be cool with a shortboard  the first time, you will fall over and over and just get frustrated with it.  Don't go out were the crowds are at first, respect other people out there in the water and try some shore break before you head deeper. Good luck!

  4. Stay away from crowds. The most dangerous hazard is beginners in crowds.

    Skating/snowboarding experience is really only significant if it is in the parks dropping in, turning on transitions, etc.

  5. Ride the waves dude...who cares where you are..never seen a ocean radical dude gnarly

  6. for starters, find a pier, walk up the pier, and get an aerial view of how the surfers do it.

  7. Stay with the beach breaks in PB or MB. Waves are more forgiving and lifeguards if you need them.

  8. ya i live in SD, its really good for surfing

    skating and snowbording will help

    thers a rental place right next to La Jolla Shores, ask anyone about it, they give lessons, it was my favorite place as a beginner. if u go here ther is the best burgers at Jeffs Burgers, right next door, best known restaurant to locals

    15th Street, Del Mar, is full of surfers, not neccesarily the best place to start tho

    Torrey Pines State Park is really good, its right next to Blacks (famous surf spot), Surf&Skate Beach Culture in Carmel Valley will rent a board to u

    just put this into google maps to find it:

    3435 Del Mar Heights Road, D-2

    Pacific Beach is good, u can get a rental at The Wave House (3125 Ocean Front Walk  San Diego, CA 92109

    (858) 228-9283)

    not much to say about PB, but u can also ride an artificial wave at The Wave House

    u shuld take a lesson to start out, and read surf etiquette:

    ( skim past ads)

    hope i helped

    (nobody really talks like "gnarly, radical etc, etc", except in movies, if u talk like that u will probably get urself beat up by locals, just some advice) saying dude is cool tho

  9. Go to La Jolla (i think thats the name of the beach). It is nice and sandy with smaller waves. You might want to take some lessons as well. Make sure you rent a longboard.

    The Surfboard Man

  10. tryy to stay out of the locals way

    and just try catching waves in the white water b4 you get confident enough to go for the peeling waves

    but yahh I live in san diego

    you should go to la jolla shores

    there's nice people

    and has a lot of beginners



    or silver stranddd.

    those good spotss

    hope I helped!

    have fun

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