
Going to school the other day and saw someone reading while driving?

by  |  earlier

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so i was driving to school the other day and the lady in the lane next to me was reading a book while driving, it was on her steering wheel....your thoughts on this? i mean not staying inside the lines should of been a good sign to not do it, don't you think?




  1. 30mph = 44 feet per second

  2. I have seen people reading, shaving, eating, applying makeup, etc while trying to drive.  

    Anytime the eyes are not on the road, you lose perception of where you are going.  This is especially bad the higher the speed.  Next thing you know, you could be crashing head on with another vehicle, or you could hit a tree, among other possibilities.  

    I think the driver you saw needs to learn some responsibility behind the wheel. . .

  3. There are some real MORONS out there, but it happens more frequently than you might want to think about...  I was driving on a California Interstate highway a few months ago, and was passed by some idiot with a road map spread out over his steering wheel.  He didn't know where he was going, but he was making excellent time trying to get there!

  4. They are not smart as you are. I have seen them do that. If you see someone read during driver. Hit your horn and scare them. or write down the license plate on the car and report to police.

    Sound like phone too. People talk on phone. I blast horn to then then they hang up.

  5. My thoughts on that is those kind of people cause accident's That should be against the law. just like you cant use a cellphone while driving what makes a book any better!

  6. Well it is very simple, her has no regard for safety as well as with the rules of the road.

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