
Going to see an ex. Need advice on what to do please?

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  1. Ex's are ex's for a reason

  2. be yourself and u will soon find out why he is your ex.  Be happy, genuinely happy from within.  

  3. Don't go see him he is your ex for a reason and besides you are married. Do not...I say do not, go to see your ex if you are married. It is an invitation for disaster.

    Think about it sweetie, long and hard and figure out who you want and what your going to do. Think before you make a big mistake

    Best of luck

  4. Why are you going to go see an ex? Ehh, your right chicka, exs ARE exs for a reason

  5. Honestly, be polite and cordial. There is nothing else you can do. Be happy in the fact that you dodged a bullet. (and it won't hurt to shine up your wedding ring beforehand LOL)

  6. being happy is the best revenge.

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