
Going to six flags tmro and im really scared ,does anyone have anytips for me i also have GERD google it.?

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GERD=Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. I also have like a stomach ulcer, and a hiatal hernia. I know im pretty messed up. So if anyone could please tell me before 6/8/08 of how the sickness level of the rides are that would be great, thanks




  1. I've never been on a roller coaster, but my friends have. They said that They wouldn't go on anything right after they ate, so I recomend staying off the coasters for now.

  2. you should be ok if you absolutely stay away from spicy greasy food. i know its difficult at six flags... but such food will only irritate your GERD (my sister has it)

    try to drink cool non-acidic drinks... and ice-cream should be good for you too.

    and no crazy rides where you get flipped-over and whirled around too much.

    be careful and enjoy yourself!

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