
Going to sleep Problem?

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Okay, so when I'm going to sleep I always have 1 or 2 Hypnic Jerks.

Sometimes I get this in the middle of the sleep, but rarely.

Now I know this is common and normal, and I have researched why it happens, but..

When it happens My body is in like shock from it, and my heart pounds a lot, which makes it really hard to get back to sleep because it's like an adrenaline rush.

Is there anything I can do?

I have alot of Fasciculations everyday also, and I wonder if these are related, or completely different.




  1. I used to have sleeping problems when I was a child and I still have it. It would take me forever to get to sleep in the morning was h**l because I would feel really tired. I would sleep around 12 despite the fact I have a VERY tiresome day. I would recommend you sleeping pills. It helps me sometimes.

  2. I get an adrenaline rush from it as well. To make it easier to go to sleep, let me recommend valerian root tea. You can get it at places like GNC for under $4.00. Valerian root will help you sleep, and having it as a tea is worth putting up with the strange taste because it hits your body very quickly. Drink a couple cups of this tea with a few 1mg melatonin pills and you'll be set.

    As for your fasciculations, I have them as well, but that's because I have fibromyalgia. They are not necessarily related (the twitching and problem sleeping), but I do notice that the more fatigued and exhausted I am, the MUCH more I will twitch (not have hypnic jerks, but just looks like I'm having a mild seizure). However, the twitches don't really make it harder to fall asleep. They do on occasion, but again, if you're having hypnic jerks and not muscle spasms while you're trying to sleep, this wouldn't be the case for you. Again, the valerian root tea works wonders here, as do muscle relaxants. Hope this helps.

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