
Going to spain and i need a cell phone

by  |  earlier

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Im going to spain and i want to have a cell there so i can call my family any time i want. IDK what to do though? Do i have to get a plan?




  1. You have couple options

    1- use AT&T international call package, but if you must make sure you turn off the Data Rooming charges otherwise you will pay a lot of money, also pay attention to the test massages charges it can be over $.50 per text. It is simple but costly

    2- get unlocked phone, most cases you may find them on line or even you may find some one to unlock your current phone( I use unlock Iphone) . Once you arrive to Spain purchase a sim card (local number) and it works as prepaid phone card reasonable price.

    3- if you are taking a laptop you can buy a Magic Jack, it allow to make call over the internet, to the usa for free and all the calls to that number can be received in email format with voice attachments .not very convenient but very cheap.

    Good luck


    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

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