
Going to spain in August for 10 days, I plan to fly into madrid... any suggestions on things to do/itinerari?

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I want to visit a few cities if I can (ex.Seville, Salamanca,Barcelona) , I'm traveling on a budget but I want to make the best out of my trip!

I heard IBIZA is over rated... any thoughts?

Whats a cheap way to travel around spain...I heard Bus is a good cheap way... any opinions on hotels/budget hotels and hostels are welcomed!

I've been looking for "top 10 things to do in Spain" type of list any suggestions?

Thank you!!!




  1. Honestly... 10 days is enough for just Madrid... it goes off all the time. Maybe throw in one more city like Barcelona or Ibiza for the beaches and nightlife...

    Also since you are on a limited time frame. You should travel within Spain by plane... a lot of cheap airlines, fast and just as much if not cheaper than the train. Check out

    to find the budget airlines... I used Vueling and Air Europa

  2. Madrid is almost a ghost town in August as locals take holidays and get out of city due to heat, humidity etc., so it´s fairly easy to get around.

    If you are a student check out student travel cards for bus or train travel, they give great discounts.

    Check out Formula 1 hotel site for very good cheap hotels.

    Barcelona is a must and there is one there, walking distance from train station in outskirts, about ten minutes to centre and very frequent.

    If you are only here for ten days, I would advise pick only three places, Madrid, Barcelona, Seville or those you like the look of best, as each has so much to offer. Trying to more would not give enough time, and one thing you must avoid in Spain is trying to rush around, life´s a little laid back.

    In each place use the tourist bus which allows a guided tour and lets you pick out the places of interest to you then go there after the full tour. We are all different, what´s important and a must to one, is boring and a waste of time to others.

    Each Town Council, here its called ayuntamiento, has a web site giving good tourist information and special events. Spend some time browsing these, they are very good and most are available in English.

    Restaurants and cafe are very numerous here, use the menu of the day to get good plenty full  food in the evenings and just a little snack mid-day, that way you´ll cut down on expenses without cutting down on food.

    Spain is no different to other countries, in large tourist havens, during peak season there are very good pickpockets around so be wary, but not paranoid. Take sensible precautions, especially near cash points etc.

    Language in large towns is not a problem as most waiters etc. speak some English.

    Night life is abundant and you´ll find all sorts catering to young and old alike.

    Now get on the web and check out the town hall sites to find things that you are interested in, tips on what to do can be from people just like you or very different,  so make your own list, then see what is feasible given your budget and time available.

    Planning is half the fun!

  3. Madrid practically shuts down in August as everyone heads for the coast for their annual holiday. You'd  be better doing that too the cities are far too hot and oppressive

  4. Ibiza is a resort -- and good for a resort type holiday.   I suggest you get yourself a good travel guide for Spain --  Rough Guide or Lonely Planet  for info on transportation and Hostels.  It's worth to 20 bucks or so, and will be a greater help than a sort answer on Y/A.

  5. You know, if you really want to get to Seville from Madrid, you can start with the first train in the morning and make a day trip of it, but I wouldn't spend less than three days in Seville.  

    Salamanca is about three hours away from Madrid, and Barcelona is a definite overnite, couple of days trip.  I might only make one or two of those, if you really want to do Madrid.

    Here's the Gottas:  you gotta stay right in the Centro.  I stayed at this great little hostal right outside the Plaza Mayor,  called the Hostal Cruz Sol, small, clean, inexpensive.  Perfect location.

    Gotta see the Prado, Plaza Mayor, Shop the Rastro if you're there on Sunday, and there's a coin and stamp market in P. Mayor Sunday, as well.  walk up the Gran Vía, check out the other art museums, walk through/have a picnic lunch in Retiro park.  

    Also:  Palacio Real, can't think of any others...not too over the top over Madrid, myself, but it made a great home base for a couple of other side trips.

    in Seville, the gottas:

    Cathedral/Giralda, Alcázar, Parque María Luisa, and shopping through the Barrio Santa Cruz.  Also fun: shopping on Calle Sierpes, walk up the river, Bellas Artes (museum), bullfights, flamenco, at the end of Sierpes, you must stop and have coffee and sweets at La Campana.  (have a trufa de chocolate for me, okay?)  Also: Triana, for a slightly different atmosphere and shopping for ceramics at the factory outlets about two blocks from the bridge.

    In Salamanca: the University and the Plaza Mayor.

    Other side trips from Madrid:  Toledo (1 day ) all things Greco, the Cathedral, the two medieval synagogues, and the city walls.  We went up to the place where El Greco painted Vista de Toledo for a really good view of the city.

    Segovia: Aqueduct (1st century Roman, still works), the Alcázar, where Ísabel la Católica grew up, and several churches, some of which are great representations of Castellano Romaneaque,  enchanting city!

    Ávila:  all things Sta Teresa.  the most complete city walls in Spain.  Really neat, you can walk around on top about half of the way around the city.  Lots of churches and convents related to Sta Teresa de Ávila, the most important resident of the city, ever.

    Quixote trail is another option.  I assume there's a bus to do that, but I never got around to doing it that way.

    Barcelona gottas:  first, you want to dedicate at least four days, including rt train.  Sagrada Familia, Ramblas, Casa Milá, and some shopping.  Lots of yummies in Barcelona: best seafood, chocolate and ice cream you'll find all in one place, maybe anywhere.

    You choose, but those are some ideas for you.

    Barcelona really merits its own whole week, anyway.

    Oh, and Ibiza, not worth the amount of time it'll take you to get there.  It's an island, not exactly PART of Spain...middle of the Mediterranean.  It, too, should be done on a seperate trip.

  6. In my personal opinion I thought Ibiza was a blast. It is definitely a party scene but during the day the beaches are beautiful. I stayed on the playa de bossa and loved it. I liked it so much that I am flying there again for my birthday this year. Because you are in Sapin  for such a small amount of time,  going there for a night or two will only be a tease. I would suggest going to Ibiza when you have more time. But, it is only a 50 min. plane ride from Madrid.

    As for Madrid, absolutely take the time to explore the city. I was only able to spend 5 nights there and barely made a dent in the city. I am actually moving there for 4 months because I liked it there so much.

    As for Seville, I spent 4 nights there and could have only spent 2-3 nights. Seville is beautiful, but there is not a lot to do. The flies in the city really grossed me out.

    Barcelona is a lot of fun and worth staying for at least 2-3 nights.

    If you are only there for ten days I would spend 4-5 nights in Madrid, 2 nights in Seville, and 3 nights in Barcelona.

    The train is only a few hours to Seville from Madrid and you could even take an overnight train to Bareclona from Seville, which will cut down the costs of a hotel room for two nights ( to and fro)

    I am not sure about the buses in Spain. I only traveled by train, car, and plane. Trains are reasonable.

    Hope this helps. Good luck in your travels!! ;-)

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