
Going to take my first driving test...?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so it's my first driving test. I'm nineteen and still have my permit and I have a lot riding on me passing the test in eight hours. I'm a good driver, and I make sure to scan a lot so I don't hit anyone.

Do you have any advice that could help me pass?




  1. You say your 'first' test, implying there will be others- perhaps a more positive attitude will help.  

  2. the key is to relax and take your time remember your msm and the blind spot. what i always tell pupils is remember the small things like mirrors and if you do a mistake don't dwell on it. Good luck I hope you pass

  3. well good luck is what you need. if you make any mistakes just forget about them and carry on. the examiner will be happy u can still concentrate. if you think u have made any mistakes don't think they are bad! this isn't always the case. don't look at what the examiner is writing. use your mirrors all the time and make sure you move your head enough so he or she can see that u are using mirrors. i didn't move my head enough is what i was told. good luck for your test, I'm sure you will do well

  4. If you have  alot on you  passing you wont pass.

    PS the way you drive when learing is not the way people drive and if you continue the way you have been tought after passing you'll crash

  5. the key is try to avoid to be nervous

  6. Make sure you do everything slowly and visibly: Don't glance behind, really turn to look behind...make sure the examiner sees that you are doing everything legally and correctly. A little comment perhaps if you notice a hazard up ahead...just to let him/her know you are aware. (Kids on pavement, blind junction, a bus about to pull out.) Informing the examiner that you have noticed these things will go in your favour...

  7. Concentrate,keep calm and above all remember MSM

    Mirror-Signal-Manoeuvre in that order and at all times.

    If there is anything you fail to understand that your examiner asks of you don't be afraid to query..

    Don't panic.

    You are going to pass and when you do please let us know.

    The very best of luck

  8. Hey!!

    OOoo the big test ehhh? i took mine in June..[3rd time lucky for me]..

    i tend to get really nervous about tests..and this one was so important to me..

    my advice would be to not let your nerves get to you too much, but if they are there, just let them pass. You will find that as soon as you get in the car you will calm down and relax into the situation.

    Are you american? if so i dont really know what the tests are like out british :) im sure they are pretty much the same!

    if your worried about nerves, "rescue remedy" is a good idea..just put a few drops in a cool drink of water (take this on the test with helps if you sip it before you do any maneuvours ect..)

    if you feel sick with nerves, take some mints! they take away nausea :)

    If you wish to have a minute to calm down, just ask the examiner, they dont mind.

    just treat it like a regular drive, imagine its your grandad or somebody sitting next to you telling you where to go - they normaly sit quite far back in the you wont notice them too much anyway

    dont put too much pressure on may make you do things you dont normally do, and the examiner could mark you for being too cautious..

    just enjoy it!! if you fail..just do it again!! it doesnt mean you are a better driver if you pass first time (i think its made me more confident passing 3rd time..:))

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxx

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