
Going to the Preakness?

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I am going to be in the Infield this year, this is my thrid straight year going? Do you know if anyone ever gets prosecuted for anything done in the infield? I have seen fights beyond belief and wondered if anyone faced criminal charges.

Also, drop a line if you are going.




  1. ive never heard of anyone get prosecuted and ive seen fights.  im going  so if they prosecute for fites and stuff then they should prosecute the women for flashing ppl and having s*x along the fence on the backstrecth,  but that better never happen either cause its a great site

  2. in the preakness field

    9 horses


    street sense

    hard spun

    circleer quey


    mint slewip

    flying first class

    cp west

    king of the roxy

    nobody got prosecuted  for any thing done in infield

    i would not try to do anything if i was going

  3. Yes, people get prosecuted.  I knew a few.  I will never go again on Preakness day.

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