
Going to the dentist tomorrow for the first time in about 10 years and I'm REALLY nervous?

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I have been experiencing alot of discomfort in my mouth lately and decided that i need to get over my fear and go to the dentist. I'm scared that I'm going to have to have all of my teeth pulled and get dentures. I'm only 23. I haven't really smiled in years due to the fact that I have a front tooth that is chipped,and I'm very self conscious. Any advice?

Can you get porcelain veneers on a chipped tooth?

If I don't have dental insurance, about how much do you think its going to run me? Im using my vacation savings because I cant stand not sleeping at night bc of the pain anymore.




  1. a chipped tooth can easily be fixed even without using composite fillings

    you have not been to dentist for many years and being anxious is natural but dont worry nothing horrible happens in a dental office ...

  2. I am not sure if you can get a porcelain on the front tooth. But wait go to and you can get a dental discount save up to 80% on all dental needs. You will not have to pay full price. If you want go to the website tonight, request information and I will call and see if you dentist is on the plan, and you can sign up and save right away. The plan cost $14.95 a month and you also get dental,vision,prescription, chiropractic for no additional cost. Go to it if you want to be able to save money on your dental and not have to use all your vacation money... What time is your dentist apt? Like I said you will be able to sign up tomorrow and use your card tomorrow at your office visit if your dentist is on the plan or we could possible get your another dentist.

    But paying full price is going to take up all your vacation money. I know I had to pay full price until I found this plan, now I work from home helping other people save on there dental needs as well. So it is up to you, trying to save your vacation money. I am sure that my account is going to get suspended for a day for telling you this information cause they will consider it advertising. But I just had to tel you that way you don't use your vacation money plus you are so young. So I will take the hit, if I am able to save you money.

  3. You need to have your teeth cleaned every 6 months. Pain is probably a cavity that will need to be filled in.

    If you dont have much money you can always go to a dental hygiene school clinic or a dental college clinic and be treated by students for a lower price.


    Dont worry though. The dental staff wants to help make you feel better. Ask as many questions as you need to. They will give you local anesthesia to prevent feeling pain, if you need it.  

  4. Sounds like a lot of work needed. Maybe some fillings rather than a implant may be needed or a partial. Any how, I would encourage you to visit this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all services. From xrays, extractions, root canals, fillings..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Oral surgeons, Dentures and cosmetics surgery are also included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the same day. hope this helps.

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