
Going to university in canada?

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how would i do that, and if i get an academic scholarship in the u.s.

can it be transferred to canada I'm planning on moving from texas to canada when i graduate how would i do it.




  1. Your scholarship is not transferable outside of the USA.

    In order to be able to attend a University in Canada, you have to apply and be accepted, by that school. THEN you have to apply to the Government of Canada's Immigration department , for a International Student Visa, to enter Canada.

    All Canadian Universities have websites that will give you the actual information needed to apply as an International student.

    Be aware that you will pay a much higher tuition rate than Canadians do. Why ? All of our post  secondary schools are funded by taxpayers, and are publically owned. There are no privately owned Universities or Colleges in Canada, with the exception of "bible schools ".  As you have yet to pay any taxes in Canada, you will pay a higher  amount. Now for the good news. It will still be cheaper than in the USA, by about a third.

    Here is just one example. Last years graduating class at the University of Toronto was 14 percent American students. The U of T is the largest Uni in Canada, with over 55,000 full time students, and a further 33,000 part timers.

    Jim B. Toronto.

  2. If it's a scholarship from a school there is no way they would even let you transfer it to a school across town let alone another country.  

    You should apply for some scholarships from private companies or organisations in both countries and at the school you intend to go to.  

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