
Going to view a flat tomorrow, what should I look out for/what questions should I ask the letting agent?

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Going to view a flat tomorrow, what should I look out for/what questions should I ask the letting agent?




  1. Is it in good nic decoration wise? Are the bills included? Then offer less than the rent they are asking for as you have nothing to lose as you can always go back up to the asking price but might get a discount, I got £50 a week off once which defo came in handy

  2. All of the answers above, but also check the place at different times of the day.

    I had the worse experience once when I signed a 6 month lease.

    that way you can see who your direct neighbours are. The way the building behaves after hours.

    also check your neighbours do they have kids or even dogs, you will be surprised.

    One flat I moved into had a howling dog and the walls were like paper.

  3. Having rented far too many places in the past, and also working in an Estate Agents, make your list as follows:

    1. What costs are included in the rent - bins, bills, service charge (this can be charged in apartment blocks), etc.

    2. Is there parking (essential if you have a car), and where is it located?

    3. Will the property be specialist cleaned and re-painted before moving in?

    4. Where are all the stop c***s located, etc.  (You only need to know this when you are moving in)

    What to look for:

    Any signs of damp - in bathrooms, corners of rooms, etc.

    Heating working - ask for it to be turned on while you are there.

    External noises - are your neighbours quiet?  Maybe come back later in the evening to check area to see how noisy it can get.

    This should start you off.  There will be things that are important to you, and not so important.

    Good luck!

  4. Get there a bit early, and have a look around the outside, does it look well cared for.

    Don't let the agent rush you, look in all the cupboards in the kitchen, look for damp. Check all the windows, if not double glazed, for a good fit, don't want wind howling through there in the winter.

    Check with the agent what is staying in each room (if your viewing with tenants still there).

    Are any of the utilities included in the rent, some blocks have water charged to the landlord in there yearly service charges. What is the council tax banding, this will give you the yearly council tax you will be paying.

    If tenanted now, will the flat be professionally cleaned before you move in.

    If you see any damage ask if it will be put right before you go in?

    Is there parking? if so is it allocated ot first come first served.

    If you move in, is the flat managed by the agent, or landlord? If it is managed by agent, you will contact them if you have a problem, if landlord, you will contact landlord if there is a problem.

    Other than that its a matter of common sense, ask how long the flat has been empty, if it is, more that 1 month you will have a good chance of getting a reduction in the advertised rent.

    Good luck

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