
Going veggie..but one concern...?

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I'm making the transition because I have read about how animals are treated and it was one of the most disturbing things I have ever read.

My question is about my health. I do not like beans (yet), and I know how important they are to a vegetarian diet. Should I continue to try them but not make the switch until I can make them a large part of my diet or just go for it and not get enough protein for a while?

I want to do what's best for my health. I already hardly eat meat (maybe a couple days a week...I've scaled back a lot so far), and thus do not get NEARLY enough, despite my increased consumption of dairy, soy, nuts, etc. Let me know your thoughts.





  1. If you are eating a varied diet of veggies, nuts, soy and are getting enough protein.   Whole grains are also a great source.

  2. Protein is easily found in several foods.

    Read the labels, you would be surprised at what actually has protein. Now I would recommend eating beans. I can't say whether or not to get used to the taste before you become vegetarian, but make sure go grocery shopping before you turn vege and make sure you get some food with protein.

    If you're 19-70 years old, you only need to consume 46 grams of protein per day (which can easily be obtained during lunch and breakfast). If you're younger, I think the amount should be lower.

    If you eat healthly every day, I'm pretty sure you'll surpass the amount needed.

  3. Beans are important for a vegitarian diet, but they can substituted with other things. :) Like veggie meats, and proteiny stuff. I am a vegitarian, and I don't like beans either. Also, I get a lot of nutrients from fish. (Thats the only meat I eat) I don't know if you're cutting out fish too, ?

  4. Nah you don't need beans, there are other beans available - runner, kidney, green beans, peas etc etc just eat your fruit and veg and you will be fine. I only eat beans with jacket potato but you can have salad instead... I often have them with veggie nuggets and chips but you can replace this with sour cream and chives or just salad.

  5. Congratulations on becoming vegetarian! I just have one do you KNOW you aren't getting enough protein? Because contrary to popular belief, we don't really NEED as much protein as advertised by the media, etc.  If you already weren't eating that much meat before, and you are eating more nuts and soy, I don't see how you can still know you are lacking in protein.  You could try taking a liquid vitamin that contains everything you are missing from meat such as protein, calcium, vitamins, minerals, omegas, etc. I'm a vegetarian and beans aren't a huge part of my diet, so I don't think you shouldn't be a vegetarian just because of that.  I think you should still force yourself to eat them every once in a while purely for health reasons.  Good luck!

  6. You don't necessarily need to rely on beans to get your protein, although they are a great source of protein.

    There are other foods that are packed with protein like spinach, nuts, tofu, whole grain breads, soy products, broccoli and leafy green vegetables.

    Here's a good website to find other foods that contain protein.

  7. I hate beans - other than green beans which I eat maybe once in a blue moon - I haven't eaten beans since I was about 3 years old (andeven then they were only H***nz Baked Beans). I'm now 26.

    I have been veggie for a number of years and didn't eat red meat for ages before that. I went for a blood analysis the other day and my iron levels are fantastic as are my protein levels and my B12 (- the main things you need to worry about when not eating meat). And it isn't due to taking vitamins as I am very forgetful and rarely remember to take them.

    I used to be very under weight when I was younger and ill alot before I went veg and sine I have put on a healthy amount of weight and have far fewer colds and couts of flu. My asthma has improved too.  

    Try eating the fake meat products available - they are packed with protein and taste yummy too!

  8. you dot need beans my family is all vegan and both my great grandmas are over 90 and they can still walk with out a wheel chair you gotta eat nead you can start liking beans beacuse there are 100s of varitys and trust me youll like one and they are all healthy but you dont need beans if you just incorparate alltoa dairy if you think dariy cows are treated badly learn how to make cheese and buy a  cow and rent a small pasture :P fo reall thats the msot importent thing not beans :PP

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