
Goku vs Haruhi Suzumiya?

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So Goku is the Strongest Being in the Whole Universe and Haruhi is a who would win?




  1. Ummmm ether one can win if I decide to draw them that way.

  2. in my experience, outta all the anime i ever watched, goku owns all lol

  3. Well Goku CAN win but in a general perspective I would say Haruhi hands down oh before I continue, fictional information capsule: Haruhi is not a godess, is a reality warper is a common misconception to confuse reality warpers with gods, they are more common than you think in fiction. Well returning to the topic Goku CAN win is not impossible but he has like 5% possibilities of victory and that if I am beign merciful with him, the only way Goku wins is if he kills Haruhi before she can warp reality which he can Goku at ssj4 moves as fast as the sound at least so in theory doing that Goku would win but in the practice lets take a look at the situation. Goku needs to kill Haruhi in less than 10 seconds (probably the interval in which the reality warping is beign made) which as we said is very possibl for him but if we look further you will find that NO DRAGONBALL CHARACTER specually the strong ones and almost in every anime kills the opponent immediatly even if they can also looking at Goku's character specially he is unwilling to fight at his 100% with a weak person, Haruhi is not weak but I bet her Ki is below 10 Goku at the end of the series had 1 billion (or so I heard) Goku wouldnt even try to kill her probably he would just bother Haruhi playing his games like "HAHA, NANANANANANANA YOU CANNOT CATCH ME!" on the other hand we know Haruhi is not very pacient and likes to act quick and even if she were seeing a flying ape man that can blow up a planet would certainly invite her to use her reality bending right away so Haruhi would win in almost every possible scenario, the only ones in which Haruhi would lose would be special scenarios such as Goku going insane and start killing (which will never happen) or that Haruhi eliminates from existence Goku' beloved ones in which Goku fury would be so great that he would be blinded and would punch her a hole into her stomach with the speed of sound (Haruhi may not be a saint but as Kyon said Haruhi would never kill someone) so looking at the situation there is no way Goku would win unless you include VERY low probability fight scenarios. But if you ask me personaly Haruhi would win but Goku wouldnt die, Haruhi loves aliens and guess what? Goku is an alien, the only possible scenario for a

    "fight" between these 2 would be that Haruhi would start flirting with Goku for beign an alien and Goku ignores her and with Haruhi's sweeeet character (notice the sarcasm with the word sweet)  would take action that would probably lead us to the scenario in which Goku was with Chichi years ago (you know Haruhi loves challenge scenarios so probably considering these 2 characters a scenario like this would be the most factible) in which Goku has to fight Haruhi, if he loses he will be forced to hang out with Haruhi (Goku beign the gentleman he is and knowing her opponen has a ki of 10 or below would accept and would probably think of an strategy of defeating Haruhi without hurting her neither her body or feelings) then as the battle stars Goku sees a white light or something and puts a face of WTF?! and when he is aware he founds himself KO or standing outside the arena thus Haruhi winning. Hahaha and then Goku would have to fulfil the promise (I would love to see that) this would probably end with Chichi beating Goku's *** and also Haruhi (remember NO ONE can beat Goku's wife)

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