
Gold medal more important than honor and integrity?

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I am so surprised that China's government believes that gold medals in a single sport in a single Olympic year are more important than its country's honor and integrity. Of course the world would find out that they lied about their gymnasts' ages. Did their experience of media control in their own country cause them to believe no one would find out, or do they simply not care? Will the people of China feel that the gold medal was won not quire fairly, or will they not care? I would, if I found out our American team did not follow the rules!




  1. You should ask that question yourself. Many countries see how many americans are whiners and losers and don't bow gracefully.

    Is gold more important then honor, integrity, and CLASS? Sour graping is so embarrassing.

  2. Unfortunately it seems in this day and age sportsmanship, integrity, and ethics are less important to many organization than is winning.  To me cheating defeats the purpose of competition and basically voids all sense of accomplishment and achievement that normally accompanies a victory. It is clear through various sources and discrepancies China's female gymnasts were not all over the age of 16. Pretty much anybody with eyes could see that; one of those girls was still losing her baby teeth for God's sake.

    It is really the poor Chinese gymnasts that I feel sorry for. Any country who forces its child athletes to lie about their age cares very little about their well being and will probably cause a lot of grief for them in years to come.  

  3. china doesnt care cause they do it often with their athletes. it goes for all sports not just in gymnastics. yi jianlin (basketball) age was questioned alot before he was drafted.  

  4. Someone should tell them that medals tarnish, but honor is permanent.

  5. Sorry how do you know that China's government thinks that way? When you're asking this question and about China's "underage" girls. It makes me think that you think Silver is worthless and it brings no honor and integrity since the U.S. gymnasts brought home silver.

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