
Gold players make too much?

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do golf players really deserve millions of dollars? i mean to hit a lil ball into a hole wiht a golf club isnt really that physicical is it. dont even break a sweat, no need for stamina, no need of muscles,




  1. well, golf is 90% mental and the other 10% is Mental.  It's not about physical strength, but it's all about control. Although nowadays with the 500 yard par 4s, you would need a bit of physical strength.

    Have you ever been in a game that the outcome lies in your hands?  Like making 2 free throws to win the game, that's a lot of pressure.  Imagine golf is like that with every shot.  Even if you play with your buddies for 25 cents a hole, you will still feel that pressure and anxiety on each shot.

    so, maybe you're right, no need muscles, but i guarantee you that you'll break a sweat and you will need a lot of stamina to play 4 rounds of golf every week.

  2. Go walk 5-7 miles carrying a 25 pound bag in summer heat.

    Now tell me they don't sweat or need muscles/fitness.

    They earn what the market bears.  It's called economics.  Learn it.




  4. yeah

  5. Obviously you've not played a l**k of golf in your life.  If you do any sort of exertion in 90* weather, you're going to sweat especially since there are millions of dollars on the line each time you tee it up.  Therefore, in order to manage your nerves, you're going to need stamina(mental and physical) as well as be physically fit to handle playing in that heat.  You didn't think about that at all did you?  As far as deserving to make the millions of dollars golfers make, golf, in its earliest days was an elitist sport(for the rich) so it just makes sense for a professional golfer to make a whole lot of money.

  6. If you had just asked your question you might have been alright, but you went and added your comment which clearly showed that you know nothing about golf.  You can't even spell the game and it is only four letters.  Contrary to what you say you can sweat a lot, it takes tremendous stamina, and strength, and golfers should make as much as they possibly can.

  7. If it was so easy everyone would do it . And you probably don't even play or you really suck , why else would you make a stupid comment like this.

  8. Do baseball players deserve as much as they get, when you think about it other than the pitcher they spend 95% of the time just standing around waiting or sitting on the bench. and few times a game they have to run 90 feet. Also, any game when you break it down like that sounds stupid like football is just 22 guys on a feild trying to get a peice of leather to the end of the feild. If you think golfers dont sweat try going out and playing in 100+ degree heat wearing long pants like the guys on the tour have to. Now to answer the stamina and muscles part, Tiger Woods is the most physically fit person on the tour and he just so happens to be the best golfer in the world, coincidence. I think not. When people try to knock something they know nothing about it just shows how closed minded and ignorant they are. Have a great day!

  9. WOW Ace !! Is that how you spell it ? Apparently there are a few boys answering who hit the nail right on the head, re: the ignorance for the game as well as for grammar. We are not competing for the world's strongest man.  We are looking at players who are bringing golf to thousands of  viewers and generating millions of dollars in TV advertising, in sponsors purses  also generating sales for equipment manufacturers, and give enjoyment to those who play the game. You see where big bucks are paid ball players who don't hit their hat size, basketballers who have been in constant trouble. If one is responsible for building the gate, he deserves a slice of the pie.Golfers are alone with their talents, if they don't produce, they soon disappear.

  10. Ummmmmm....welll..........Nope I am going to behave.

  11. Have you ever played golf. Its harder than it looks. If you want to be on a pro level, you have to practice all day, everyday. Its not anything like putt putt golf. Golf is a very intense sport. Not in the "Chipper Jones hits a grand slam to win in the 9th" intense, but you have to concentrate the whole time. You have to know angles!

  12. golf is one of the hardest sports on earth to play. It takes years and years and sometimes even a lifetime to master the game so yes they do deserve millions of dollars as professional sport players.

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