
GoldFish Problem!!!?

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Hey Eveyone!!

I've had a goldfish for almost two years. I bought two in pair and one of them died after a couple of days, however, ive kept the other one in the same glass container which isnt that big. ( its a medium size pickle jar)LOL

anyways, its strange because ive been feeding it cereal for two years and he likes it very much and there hasnt been any problems. But i am starting to wonder if i want to change his container, what are some things that i should keep in mind, a friend of mine told me that i should try to dump the existing container into the new one and use the same water for a while for him to start getting used to the new place. Also if i want to start feeding him regular fish food at the store, do you guys think that would cause a problem???




  1. Well, your fishy needs 20 gallons! And you should feed him sinking goldfish pellets, it reduces the risk of swim bladder disorder in goldfish. I am surprised he has lived that long!  

  2. A medium sized PICKLE JAR? Cereal? Christ! That is one hardy fish! Are you joking? I hope so. If you are, I might as well put this out there lest there are other misinformed people keeping fish in pickle jars. And by misinformed I mean oh-my-god-they-let-you-drive kind of misinformed.

    At this stage you should not be worried about shocking your goldfish by putting it in a new container -- and by container, I seriously hope you mean a tank -- because now the fish 1) is stunted 2) has its internal organs hideously compressed by stunting 3) has one f*ed up GI tract from being fed cereal 4) is essentially a miracle fish suffering who knows what kind of h**l.

    How big is your fish? If it's a fancy, by age 2 it should be about 8 inches long not including tail and maybe 5 inches wide depending on its variety. If it's a common it should be about a foot. I have never seen a medium sized pickle jar that is a foot long so yeah, you've got a stunted fish.

    If I were you I would do this:

    -Throw myself off a cliff.

    Not really.

    -Find a new container, if not a tank then A LARGE BUCKET. 10 gallon tanks are 10$ at Walmart. Do the fish a favour.

    -Fill the container with dechlorinated water.

    -Hold the fish in its jar in the bucket for 15 mins or so to let the temperatures equalize

    -Scoop the fish out. Will a net even fit in your jar? Use your hand. DO NOT get your old water in the bucket: at this point that water is basically fish p**s. Ammonia. Depleted of oxygen. Bad.

    -Get your sorry rear to a pet store and buy fish food. It's 1.29 a jar. Come on now.

    I sincerely hope your post is a joke! :) If it's not, I would apologize for sounding harsh throughout my post but I can't bring myself to because seriously, a pickle jar?? This frightens me.

  3. idrk

  4. nope buy him a tank too :]

  5. That poor fish!!!! You should spend the extra $10.00 and buy him a tank(pickle jars are for pickles, not living creatures) wean him completely off of the cereal, I'm so surprised that he survived. Could you imagine yourself in a small cramped closet living in your own waste and filth for two years? That is mean and cruel to do that to a living creature.

  6. If you are going to change the container for the fish, I would suggest that you put about half of the old water and then fill the rest of the container with regular water. Also, I would buy some drops to put in the water so that the chlorine doesn't kill your fish.

    About the cereal, I would gradually put the fish on regular food. ex. give the fish half cereal and half fish food.

  7. If he is doing fine on cereal feed him that.

  8. No, It won't, actually that goldfish may become more healthy,in what her diet should be sure right.

  9. By now the goldfish is probably stunted and it's lifespan shortened. Goldfish require 20 gallons of efficiently filtered water. All of my goldfish are over one foot in length, and over 13 years old.
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