
Golden Calf Wannabe?

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Large golden staue of kate moss in a provocative yoga stance

I just wanted yu guys opinion on this statue, biggest to be built since egypt.

Does this remind christian of the golden calf idol?

Do atheists find this staue completely pointless?

WHat about it? It's atleast better looking than the golden calf, but still good art but pointless.




  1. I've always thought she was the ideal as far as her face went. I'm glad to see she'll be remembered for a while.

    But, I think most will stop short of actually worshiping her. Of course, their are the mentally ill. I wonder what the oh-so-loving deity will do with them?

  2. First, the article says it's the largest of its type: solid gold.  It is not the biggest statue built since ancient Egypt.

    Second, The statue is supposed to be a work of art.  That is necessarily debatable.

    The statue outside of any artistic consideration is, of course, completely pointless.

  3. I find it pointless not because I'm an atheist, but because I can't figure out for the life of me why someone would want to make a golden statue of a washed-up, junkie ex-supermodel.

  4. sounds disgusting!!!!!!!!!

  5. "Do Atheists find this statue completely pointless?"

    This one doesn't...

    I'd rejoice at being able to take that gold to the nearest smelter and sell it for "weight" at a Broker!

  6. I can think of plenty of other people who would be more aesthetically pleasing than Kate Moss.

    Definitely pointless...and a waste of gold, too.

  7. Im not impressed

    tGod bless
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