
Golden Cane Palms have little bug like things on leaves - any ideas? Help?

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My Golden Cane Palms have little bug like things attached to the leaves. The local nursery said they are something that ants put there (not mealy bugs) to help extract juice from the plants (mutual relationship!?) He sold me an expensive bottle of stuff that is supposed to get rid of them - no deal. Still there. Also, the leaves have a black dust like powder on them.. Otherwise, very healthy. Would be grateful for any ideas on how to fix and get rid of bugs and black stuff.




  1. As a landscape contractor I would simply trim back all fronds except the terminal one (the central, unfurled, growing frond) and give the plant a dose of fertiliser and apply a thick layer of t-tree mulch. Golden Canes are extremely hardy and, in fact have even become invasive in some areas so I wouldn't worry about trimming it harshly.

  2. Sounds like scale insects. Spray the plant with white oil:


    ½ cup vegetable oil

    1 cup water

    1 tablespoon natural soap (in flakes)

    1 plastic spray bottle

  3. Just try some soapy water spray.

    It is harmless and helps with all types of bugs.

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