
Golden Eagle climate. (cant find on the net)?

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I have been looking again on search engines and can only find the temperature of the golden eagle homes in america. I'm looking at the Golden eagles habitatial climate and cant Find it.







  1. Golden eagles are found in every continent apart from the arctic and ant-arctic so their climate around the world varies a lot.

  2. Golden eagles are found in open and semi-open habitats from sea level to 3600 m elevation. Habitat types that they inhabit include tundra, shrublands, grasslands, woodland-brushlands, and coniferous forests. Most golden eagles are found in mountainous areas, but they also nest in wetland, riparian and estuarine habitats.

    Golden eagle home range sizes vary with season and quality of habitat. During the breeding season, golden eagles in the western U.S. have home ranges from 20 to 33 square kilometers. Breeding pairs defend the boundaries of their home range with flight displays.

    Some populations of golden eagles are sedentary, while others are migratory. In North America, most golden eagles in Alaska and Canada travel south in autumn when the food supply on their northern range begins to decline. Most pairs that breed in the continental U.S. and southern Canada remain in the same area year-round.

    This was all I could find, Angel. Hope it helps you.

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