
Goldfish and their personalities..?

by  |  earlier

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I have had goldfish maladies in the past. I have a normal goldfish, about 3 inches long. I also have a fancy goldfish, that's little and fat. They're in a good tank, filter, all the works.. but you could not get too different fish. The normal one has always been a bit sullen but he barely moves now. He doesn't eat much at all. In fact, I haven't seen him eat in a few days now. The fantail is thriving, he doesn't stop, and eats normally. I thought there may be some bullying going on so I separated them for a bit, but, the normal goldfish acted no differently.. still not moving a lot, still not eating a lot. I thought if it was illness, then they'd both be ill. But they're not. I'm wondering if it's bullying going on, but I don't see much tail nipping. Sometimes the fancy one chases the normal one but that might just be playing.

What's going on here? Do I just have two very different goldfish personalities or is there a problem?





  1. it might be depression

    check the water quality or if there might be some signs of sickness

    i have had fish before and they acted like that before they died

    perhaps it is that or just their personality but i doubt it

  2. sorry just in this for the 2 extra points

  3. It sounds like the fish's environment is not up to par, at least for your common/comet. How big is the tank(gallons)?

    As for this personality thing, I have 6 goldfish, all VERY active, constantly swimming up and down and back and forth. The only difference in there personality seems to be whether or not they recognize your face, and how shy they are. A fish that just stays still(especially a goldfish) is usually a sure sign that your water quality is poor, or the fish is sick.

  4. goldfish normally act this way when they get older. goldfish don't ever bully and probably your fish is getting ready to die.

  5. Since there is a change in his personality, he is sick. He prob has ick. Take him out of the tank and treat him and he should be better.

    Also if he is not moving for a couple of hours, he's prob asleep.

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