
Goldfish and turtles cohabit?

by  |  earlier

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I have 3 fantail goldfish and a red eared slider (who is about 2 inches in diameter) i was just wondering if i could put them in the same tank, because i just bought a huge 30 gallon tank today for the slider, and he is very small compared to the tank, and my fish tank is only 10 gallons.... can they survive together? i know that when the turtle gets i will have to remove him from their tank because he will eat them... but for now, since he is hatchling size is it okay to combine the two tanks.... i am very wary of this and don't want to hurt the fish or my turtle... thanks for any help :)




  1. It's a toss up.  Some turtles are fine with goldfish, whiles others really aren't.  The goldfish release alot of ammonia and may actually poison your turtle in a tank that small.  Your 3 fancies need atleast a 30 gallon all to themselves.  You should buy that bigger tank you plan for your turtle and give the goldfish the 30 gallon all to themselves.  (:  Good luck.

  2. That would not be a good idea. The aquatic turtle would dirty your tank, mess up your tank, and above all, EAT YOUR FISH. Aqautic turtles also need a basking area and a heat lamp, so you would have to modify your tank to suit it.

    I have a red eared slider turtle in a 30 gallon long tank and i feed him medium sized feeder fish every once in a while. He loves them and cannot get enough. Imagine a 7+ inch turtle swimming around in your tank with allthose yummy fishes swimming around it. That would be a turtle's dream.

    So bottom line, would not be a good idea.

  3. your turtle will not be hurt the the goldfish could be nipped by the turtle

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper.

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