
Goldfish dying?

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I have a 20-gallon, mature, well-cycled tank. I bought two very small fantail goldfish to start, but one died after a month. Before he died he looked like he had swim bladder infection--was swimming sideways/upside down, hiding under rocks and in plants. I took him out and put him in a separate hospital tank, but he died anyway. The other one was/is fine, as was the water, which I keep meticulously clean (weekly 30% water changes).

I bought a new fantail 10 days ago, and he died the same way. My other original fish is happy and healthy after two months with us; water quality is good. I don't want to leave that one in there alone but am nervous about putting a new one in there. I don't want anymore of them to die so unnecessarily. Any ideas on what is going wrong?




  1. first newly bought fish should be quarantined even from a reputable fish store.  Luckily swimbladder is not contagious.  you can buy a new one then quarantine for weeks then add in your main tank.

  2. stick a potatoe in the tank and see if they live?? =]


  4. wow you are way to interested in fish

    they're tiny little things; they die like insects. dont think so much

  5. It's SBS (swim bladder syndrome), it's caused by overfeeding. Goldfish are opportunist eaters and will continue to eat even when full. Just reduce the feedings and you should be fine.

  6. first off if you do get another fish i would buy it from a different petstore it sounds like the ones you are getting are not very good quality. try getting a fish thats a little more mature maybe? it won't be as sensetive. i have 2 fish in my 25 gallon tank that i just got and they are both doing fine just make sure you look very closely at the fish in the store and pick out the one that is energetic and happy looking also don't get a fish from a tank that has fish in it that have swim bladder sickness because it could have gotten the other fish sick. hope this helps

  7. i think your just unlucky i had a bunch of gold fish die they just have a short life span. I have one right now and i put a plant in the tank and he seems to like the plant (it's a real plant) try that maybe
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