
Goldfish from the fair?

by Guest44604  |  earlier

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Well i just got a goldfish from the fair and i have him home and for right now he's in a 2.5 gallon tank w/o the filter because i just kind of threw it together to get him out of the bag. I gave him food and stuff and he was very active on the way home. Now that I added him to his tank he's just kind of slowly hovering around the bottom but when i walk by him and stuff he goes crazy and swims around really fast.

Does he sound healthy to you? What else can i do at this time to make sure he makes it through these next few days? I've had "fair goldfish" before and they didnt last longer than 3 days.Any tips?




  1. if you cant get a filter in there you have to get a pump for air. it there isnt enough oxygen in the water the fish would just sit in the bottom and do nothing and eventually die. most all fish need air to breath. exceptions like a betta fish have a special organ that they store oxygen in  therefore they dont need a bubbler but goldfish need a pump

  2. I would definitely get an air filter for the tank, even one of those little "sponge filters" for now (cheap and work)........

  3. Unfortunately people who don't know goldfish will tell you a 20 gallon is needed, not true.  And unfortunately those who don't know fish don't realize you don't have your fish in a  "Cycled" tank or home.

    Your fair fish is more than likely a fancy (these days, no one uses comets (12 inches and a common upto and in excess of 32) any more.  Your goldie won't get beyond 6-8 inches if you are lucky and live somewhere between 8-10 years.

    He was happy and active until the ammonia in his tank began to spike.  WOW.

    Here is a good site to understand what is going on in the tank and what to do to help your fish stay alive

    He sounds healthy.  you should get a test kit first of all to ensure the ammonia and nitrites are not spiking.  When you see they are elevated, do a 25% water change to bring them down.  The link will provide more info as to why

  4. No, it doesnt sound healthy. Here's the thing. Fish will reach an approximate adult size. Comet goldfish can reach a foot or more in length full grown. If you get a baby and keep it in a tiny fishbowl or small tank, then it's body will stunt, and stop growing. However the fish's organs do not stop growing. They continue to grow in the tiny body until they are pressing on each other or the swim bladder to the point where the fish dies what is probably a slow and painful death. Also, In a fishtank, the fish waste and uneaten food becomes ammonia, nitrites and nitrates, all of which are toxic to fish. In tanks with smaller gallonage, these dissolved organic compounds build up to toxic levels and kill fish. Goldfish should live 15 years or more, sometimes much more. They do not belong in fishbowls or 10 gallon tanks, they need at least 30 gallons for one goldfish. He will not stay healthy in a 2.5 gallon, and will most likely die if you dont rehome him or purchase a larger tank.  

  5. ye get a filter he definitely needs 1. the filter will obviously clean the water out for him and also oxygenates the water. other wise he'l end up keep coming to the top of the tank and draw air. the reason why he's at the bottom of the tank is because he's stressed. try get the filter in a.s.a.p. or he'l end up getting a diseases. thats the reason why the other fishes had died so early.

  6. Since you have access to the internet - get to researching this asap! - How to "cycle"  a new fish tank.  

    The fish that you acquired from the fair has already been stressed to the max. It has been subject to overcrowding, warm water, and toxic water conditions - such as toxic ammonia levels.  Although it is not the "correct" way to go about it, go to the pet store and purchase some AmmoLock.  It will bind the ammonia into a less harmful poison.  This is a quick fix only.  Ideally you will then want to set up a tank and "cycle" it properly.  

    Remove any uneaten food and fish poo immediately from your fish's tank. (Turkey basters work great.)

    At least this little one has found you.  Best of luck to you (and the little one).

  7. They die because a goldfish requires a 20 gallon tank minimum with extra filtration.  Your fish is probably a comet or common goldfish that would need a 50 gallon tank.  They should grow to be 12" long and live 20 years or more.  Keeping it in a 2.5 gallon tank is sentencing it to death living in a septic tank.


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