
Goldfish help!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok i got a 20g tank and i got a 20-40 power filter

and a small goldfish

the filter keeps on pushing it away

what should i do




  1. Give your fish a big lecture about not smimming towards the current.(Although you'll have to repeat it about every 6 seconds because they only have a memory of about 6 seconds.)

  2. Can you control the flow of your filter?  Usually there is some sort of k**b or lever on the top where you can make the flow a little lower.

    You could also try putting a taller ornament under the flow so the little guy can't get to that area.

  3. Goldfish don't mind the current.  There's lots of room in a 20 gallon tank for it to get away from it if it wants too.  Mine actually seem to enjoy swimming in the current.


  4. The fish probably enjoys it my goldfish used to actually run to the current and let it be pushed around and then go back in again.

  5. you can always change the head from double to single because double creates a jet like bubbles it is very strong.

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper.

  6. The current won't hurt him because he is in a big tank, and there are places to get away from the current. I bet he just enjoys the flow. Also, goldfish have a memory of 3 monthes, they have been taught tricks before, that is an only myth that there memory is 6 seconds.

  7. Turn down the filter,or  let the goldfish get pushed away. The current shouldnt hurt the fish.

  8. your gold fish should be fine if you can point the filter in to a rock or get a spray bar this will make the current less strong by evening out the flow so he wont get pushed around i have cory catfish and they love swimming in the flow get him a friend he would be very bored get him about 5 more friends he will be much happier!

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