
Goldfish not eating/scared?

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My goldfish usually eats like crazy but he is now in a tank by himself because the other two fish he was with recently died. I tried feeding him the same food today (which are flakes) but he kept spitting it back out. The flakes are different colours but he went for one specific one. I'm not sure if its just him not liking the food anymore or a more serious issue? He also seems to be scared of me. Whenever I go up to the tank he swims really fast like he's having a heartattack, then when I move away he calms down. Is he just scared because he's alone?




  1. did you do water change after the 2 fish died?  the water condition could be bad which make fish don't like to eat.

  2.     Maybe you should try giving him a few different fish food's every week and the one he start's to eat keep him on that source of fish food. It may be shock and lonelyness that make's him not wanting to eat or it may be that he want's to just be alone for a while until he gets used to the fact of that his tank friend's are gone. You could try asking a professional. Answer my question now? If you do, here's the web address:;...

  3. First I would ask did you test your water recently?

    Also if the rest of the fish just are gone, your fish could be confused in thinking he is in a new environment.

    If he won't accept the foods you give him try something different like green veggies, peas, spinach, zucchini etc.

    How long has he been doing this and how long ago did his buddies die?

  4. get him a buddy and change to goldfish food gourmet

  5. Fish, like many other animals, seek comfort in numbers.

    Going from a full school of goldies to being all alone in the tank has to be quite traumatic. Give him a few days (don't feel pressured into feeding him. Fish can go days with out food, and you don't want to make your water dirty with uneaten flakes)

    He should come around once he gains confidence. Buy him new friends when you are ready. Personally, I think introducing new fish is just as stressfull as being alone.

    I would let him be, wait until he starts eating normally, and then get some new buddies.

  6. he is probably confsed about were every one else went and maybe he is full my fish does that  

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