
Goldfish scales missing?

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I got a tank yesterday set it up, let it sit. Right now I moved the fish from their old tank to the new tank and I noticed when I got my black moore in the tank he had a beige patch on him, why did he loose his scales? anything I need for it?




  1. My black moore that I had years ago lost scales from rubbing on the gravel, rocks, and her mate. I would just treat with Melafix, that is what I did for her and she was fine. Nothing to worry about unless her skin gets infected, that is why you should treat her with melafix. You might not see this as much with the lost scales since you upgraded to a larger tank, I'll bet they are happier in a larger home, I know mine always loved an upgrade:) Good luck.

  2. When my black moor lost scales [the reason I hate nets] he turned silver where he lost them.

    Just watch for infection and if it sets in, make sure to treat it if it does. If you're worried, try some Melafix in the water. The scales should grow back in a couple of weeks.

    But as to why he lost them, I'm not sure. Sorry =/

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