
Goldfish tank problem: little egg-like things have appeared on the tank

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White round things that look like eggs have appeared in my goldfish tank. They are all over the gravel and the plants. I would have thought that they are goldfish eggs, but I only have one goldfish (I had two, but one of them sadly passed away about 3 months ago). What are they? what can I do?




  1. since fish fertilise their eggs externally, you will often see eggs in your tank, despite there being no male fish.

    the female usually releases the eggs, then the male will release sperm into the water.

    since you have no male, the eggs will just stay unfertilised. often the fish will eat them, or they can simply decompose. try to get them out, else the water will be polluted when they decompose

  2. let me guess. you just recently changed your water. goldfish will often lay eggs after a large water change, even if there are no males to fertilize the eggs. of course, the eggs are useless and will soon fungus if they haven't been eaten. i'd advise you to siphon them out before they fungus.

  3. maybe they are fish eggs?

  4. they probably are fish eggs, they probably just got big enough now to see them.

  5. maybe snails

  6. They are fish eggs - you may find your fish will eat them or you can clean them out.

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