
Golf, tennis, snooker or cricket?

by  |  earlier

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Which of these is the most boring, watching or playing any of these is enough to make you give up on life and no skill is needed to play any of them, you would need a very very empty life to follow any of these.




  1. I would say cricket is the most boring. you do need skill to play all of them i play golf and it takes lots of practice have you ever gone out and played golf?? it is not as easy as it looks or sounds. Tennis also takes a lot of skill. it is not just hitting a ball.

  2. you may find them boring to watch but that doesnt mean you can say you need no skill to play them. i could say you dont need any skill to play football, kick a small ball at a big ball then jump on the floor when someone runs near you pretending you've been shot.

  3. Have you ever played any of them??. if not then your not qualified to make such a statement, All the sports you class as needing no skill to play , are difficult to play even to a standard where you don't make yourself look stupid.!!!

        instead of spending your time slagging of sport on this site why don't you try and see for yourself just how much skill is involved , then you'll probably exclaim that they're to difficult to play and only stupid people would waste time playing them.

  4. I think that golf and snooker are boring but i really like cricket :)

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