
Golf Advice PLEASE!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I get up to make a shot and I make the prettiest practice swing you can imagine. My playing partners say I look like Fred Couples in my practice swing. But when I actually hit the ball I very seldom repeat my beautiful practice swing.

When I do, I usually hit excellent shots. my real problem is a full swing and follow through with my irons.

I'm a 13 handicap, so I've been playing for a little while.

Thanks a lot for any advice!




  1. Your problem (like many golfers) is that area between your ears.  A brief loss of concentration, and swing flaws come out like mosquitoes on a hot humid day.

    When you're playing...stay hydrated (no, not beer or sugary pop), eat something healthy (fruit is good, granola is good- stay away from anything heavy, fatty, and sugary).  Write down a couple swing thoughts and keep them in your pocket or in your cart.

    Practice...have someone take some video of you hitting balls, so you can see what you're doing right, and what happens when things go off the rails.  It's not always fun seeing yourself commit a half-dozen no-no's in a swing, but you'll at least learn from yourself.

    Good luck!

  2. you are like me....if i could hit the ball with my practice swing i would be a tour pro LOL....its all mental.  the ball intimidates you.  you have to learn to trust your swing and not force anything and it will start become second nature to you

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