
Golf: Coming Over the Top, Need help?

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I keep coming over the top in my golf swing. I have a short backswing. When I try to fix it, I try to start my downswinging with my right elbow coming down hitting my side softly, and then from there, try 2 turn the club head square to the ball. I try to do this because I think it will help me swing inside instead of over the top. Is what I'm doing correct?




  1. I agree with William, don't over-think it.  Also, remember if you start your downswing with the legs (not a violent move to the target with you legs and hips, just start the legs first)  the club will drop into a correct position and then you can just let it fly and it is almost impossible to come over the top.

  2. Try this.  Make sure that you begin your back swing with a turn of your hips rather than bringing your arms back.  The arms will automatically follow.  Next, (this works best off the tee) try to hit the inside of the golf ball with the club head.  When teeing up set the ball so that the number is on the inside upper portion of the sphere. (closest to you)  Aim to hit the number.   If your club face is closed at impact this should result in a slight draw.  If your club face is neutral at impact you should hit the ball straight.  Last thing.  At the top of your back swing the shaft of the club should be more or less across the back of your shoulders.  One cause of an over the top swing is the club shaft being too high across the back of your body (ie the back of your neck or higher.)  Work on this at the range.  It helps me quite a bit.

    Joseph is entitled to his opinion.  However, it's highly unlikely that a PGA pro is going to have the same problems with his swing that the average amateur golfer has.  My answer to you was based upon my own experience and what works for me.  Try it, it might work for you too.  If not try something else.  

    Joseph:  You can post your own answers, disagree with others,  but don't have any business telling a questionner to ignore another answer.

  3. Think of skipping a rock over water.  The motion is very similar to the downswing.  The more relax you are, the better results you will see.

  4. Coming over the top can be caused by many things, including taking the club too far to the inside at takeaway.  What happens is that if you bring the club too far inside, at the top of the swing the club is way out of position.  Instead of pointing down the target line, it will be pointing way off to the right.  On the downswing, you can't get back to the inside and end up coming over the top.  It's a little paradoxical, but by trying to swing from the inside, you can actually end up swinging more over the top.

    A quick way to diagnose whether this is the problem is to videotape yourself from behind.  Watch your takeaway and where the club is located at the top of your swing.  If it points off to the right, your problem is that you are bringing the club too far inside on takeaway.  

    To fix it, concentrate on a takeaway that goes back along the target line and make sure your clubhead is pointing towards the target at the top of your backswing.

  5. Take two clubhead covers (or handtowels, gloves, etc.) and place them in your armpits.  Try swinging the club with the objective being to keep the items in place under your arms.  This will help you feel "connected", and show you how to swing with your body- not your arms.  

    This should stop you from coming over the top, especially since you have a short backswing.  It'll also show you that power is generated by your core muscles, not your arms.

    As long as you have a good grip on the club, you'll square the face at the right moment.

  6. I believe what is happening is that you are making your golf swing to complicated. We can get (and this includes pro's also) so caught up with the technical aspects of the swing, we forget the basics. With proper stance, alignment, grip, most everything will usually fall into place. Swinging around your spine at a good tempo, you will find will work wonders. The golf swing happens way to fast to try to fix problems while you are swinging. Coming over the top, slicing, duck hooking ect. The golf swing is basic, fundemental and a natural occurence when done properly and simply.

    I hope this might help you,

    It always has for me

  7. I am currently a fader of the golf ball ....however , ...I can still remember the days when I used to slice.  Ironically the mechanic that I workd on that seemed to help me was driving the right elbow to my side during the downswing.  

    I worked on this on the range .....never on the course.  Over time (300-500 balls) my swing adapted and my ballflight changed to a slight draw.

    I currently have made another mechanical change to cure the hook that eventually developed due to the strong inside to outside move that I was making on the downswing.  But you can worry about that when you get there.  Learn to hook the ball.....then cure your hook.  Most teachers would rather have a student that fights a hook as opposed to a slice,....its easier to cure a hook.

    On a side note...I still revert to the elbow swing thought when appraoching a hole wherein a power draw is the shot to play.

  8. Ignore knh959's advice..

    If you've watched Ryan Moore's swing.. you will realize this peice of advice that knh959's posts is not true:

    "One cause of an over the top swing is the club shaft being too high across the back of your body (ie the back of your neck or higher.)"


    I guess Furyk has an over the top swing too, right?

    It does not matter where you are at the top of the backswing..  Ryan Moore is almost vertical.. yet on his downswing he is under his swing plane and comes in on the inside.  Furyk is a two planer, with a loop at the top of his transition to the downswing.. yet.. he comes in at or under plane..

    You gotta stop thinking of too many swing thoughts, as others have stated.  Once you get your head full of numerous swing thoughts, you'll find your golf swing actually gets worse.

    A common cause of the "Over the top" swing results from trying to start the downswing with the upper body.   You'll get your upper body (right shoulder) movement going before you perform your lower body movement.  This will result in the right shoulder being thrown out across the target line.  

    Then you'll turn your hips.. but its too late..   You are cutting across the ball.. and then you'll just finish the swing..

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